About GeoUtils#
Prefer to grasp GeoUtils’ core concepts by comparing with other Python packages? Further below is a side-by-side code comparison with Rasterio and GeoPandas.
What is GeoUtils?#
GeoUtils1 is a Python package for the handling and analysis of georeferenced data, developed with the objective of making such analysis accessible, efficient and reliable.
In a few words, GeoUtils can be described as a convenience package for end-users focusing on geospatial analysis. It allows to write shorter code through consistent higher-level operations, implicit object behaviour and interfacing. In addition, GeoUtils adds several analysis-oriented functions that require many steps to perform with other packages, and which are robustly tested.
GeoUtils is designed for all Earth and planetary observation science. However, it is generally most useful for surface applications that rely on moderate- to high-resolution data (requiring reprojection, re-gridding, point interpolation, and other types of fine-grid analysis).
Why use GeoUtils?#
GeoUtils is built on top of Rasterio, GeoPandas and PyProj for georeferenced operations, and relies on NumPy, SciPy and Xarray for scientific computing to provide:
A common and consistent framework for efficient raster and vector handling,
A structure following the principal of least knowledge2 to foster accessibility,
A pythonic arithmetic and NumPy interfacing for robust numerical computing.
In particular, GeoUtils:
Rarely requires more than single-line operations thanks to its object-based structure,
Strives to rely on lazy operations under-the-hood to avoid unnecessary data loading,
Allows for match-reference operations to facilitate geospatial handling,
Re-implements several of GDAL’s features missing in other packages (e.g., proximity, gdalDEM),
Naturally handles different
values through its NumPy masked-array interface.
More on these core features of GeoUtils in the Feature overview, or Fundamentals for details.
Why the need for GeoUtils?#
Recent community efforts have improved open-source geospatial analysis in Python, allowing to move away from the low-level functions and complexity of GDAL and OGR’s Python bindings for raster and vector handling. Those efforts include in particular Rasterio and GeoPandas.
However, these new packages still maintain a relatively low-level API to serve all types of geospatial informatics users, slowing down end-users focusing on data analysis. As a result, basic interfacing between vectors and rasters is not always straightforward and simple higher-level operations (such as reprojection to match a vector or raster reference, or point interpolation) are not always computed consistently in the community.
On one hand, Rasterio focuses largely on reading, projecting and writing, and thus requires array extraction, re-encapsulation, and the volatile passing of metadata either before, during or after any numerical calculations. On the other hand, GeoPandas focuses on integrating Shapely geometries in the Pandas framework, which is practical for tabular analysis but yields a multitude of outputs (dataframes, series, geoseries, geometries), often requiring object re-construction and specific reprojection routines to analyze with other data, or derive metric attributes (area, length).
Finally, many common geospatial analysis tools are generally unavailable in existing packages (e.g., boolean-masking from vectors, proximity estimation, metric buffering) as they rely on a combination of lower-level operations.
Having higher-level geospatial tools implemented in a consistent manner and tested for robustness is essential for the wider geospatial community.
Side-by-side examples with Rasterio and GeoPandas#
This first side-by-side example demonstrates the difference with Rasterio for opening a raster, reprojecting on another “reference” raster, performing array operations respectful of nodata values, and saving to file.
GeoUtils does not just wrap the Rasterio or GeoPandas operations showed below. Instead, it defines raster- and vector-centered objects to ensure consistent geospatial object behaviour that facilitates those operations (e.g., by implicitly passing metadata, loading, or interfacing).
GeoUtils |
Rasterio |
import geoutils as gu
# Opening of two rasters
rast1 = gu.Raster("myraster1.tif")
rast2 = gu.Raster("myraster2.tif")
# Reproject 1 to match 2
# (raster 2 not loaded, only metadata)
rast1_reproj = rast1.reproject(ref=rast2)
# Array interfacing and implicit loading
# (raster 2 loads implicitly)
rast_result = (1 + rast2) / rast1_reproj
# Saving
import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
# Opening of two rasters
rast1 = rio.io.DatasetReader("myraster1.tif")
rast2 = rio.io.DatasetReader("myraster2.tif")
# Equivalent of a match-reference reprojection
# (returns an array, not a raster-type object)
arr1_reproj, _ = rio.warp.reproject(
# Equivalent of array interfacing
# (ensuring nodata and dtypes are rightly
# propagated through masked arrays)
ma1_reproj = np.ma.MaskedArray(data=arr1_reproj, mask=(arr1_reproj == rast2.nodata))
ma2 = rast2.read(masked=True)
ma_result = (1 + ma2) / (ma1_reproj)
# Equivalent of saving
# (requires to define a logical
# nodata for the data type)
def custom_func(dtype, nodata1, nodata2):
return -9999
out_nodata = custom_func(dtype=ma_result.dtype, nodata1=rast1.nodata, nodata2=rast2.nodata)
with rio.open(
) as dst:
This second side-by-side example demonstrates the difference with GeoPandas (and Rasterio) for opening a vector, applying a metric geometric operation (buffering), rasterizing into a boolean mask, and indexing a raster with that mask.
GeoUtils |
GeoPandas (and Rasterio) |
import geoutils as gu
# Opening a vector and a raster
vect = gu.Vector("myvector.gpkg")
rast = gu.Raster("myraster.tif")
# Metric buffering
vect_buff = vect.buffer_metric(buffer_size=100)
# Create a mask on the raster grid
# (raster not loaded, only metadata)
mask = vect_buff.create_mask(rast)
# Index raster values on mask
# (raster loads implicitly)
values = rast[mask]
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio as rio
# Opening a vector and a raster
df = gpd.read_file("myvector.gpkg")
rast2 = rio.io.DatasetReader("myraster.tif")
# Equivalent of a metric buffering
# (while keeping a frame object)
gs_m_crs = df.to_crs(df.estimate_utm_crs())
gs_m_crs_buff = gs_m_crs.buffer(distance=100)
gs_buff = gs_m_crs_buff.to_crs(df.crs)
df_buff = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gs_buff)
# Equivalent of creating a rasterized mask
# (ensuring CRS are similar)
df_buff = df_buff.to_crs(rast2.crs)
mask = rio.features.rasterize(
shapes=df.geometry, fill=0, out_shape=rast2.shape, transform=rast2.transform, default_value=1, dtype="uint8"
mask = mask.astype("bool")
# Equivalent of indexing with mask
values = rast2.read(1, masked=True)[mask]