Module for Raster class.
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import pathlib
import warnings
from collections import abc
from contextlib import ExitStack
from math import floor
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, TypeVar, overload
import affine
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
import rasterio.windows
import rioxarray
import xarray as xr
from affine import Affine
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from packaging.version import Version
from rasterio.crs import CRS
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from rasterio.plot import show as rshow
from geoutils._config import config
from geoutils._typing import (
from geoutils.interface.distance import _proximity_from_vector_or_raster
from geoutils.interface.interpolate import _interp_points
from geoutils.interface.raster_point import (
from geoutils.interface.raster_vector import _polygonize
from geoutils.misc import deprecate
from geoutils.projtools import (
from geoutils.raster.georeferencing import (
from geoutils.raster.geotransformations import _crop, _reproject, _translate
from geoutils.raster.sampling import subsample_array
from geoutils.raster.satimg import (
from geoutils.vector.vector import Vector
# If python38 or above, Literal is builtin. Otherwise, use typing_extensions
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal # type: ignore
RasterType = TypeVar("RasterType", bound="Raster")
# List of NumPy "array" functions that are handled.
# Note: all universal function are supported: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/ufuncs.html
# Array functions include: NaN math and stats, classic math and stats, logical, sorting/counting:
# NaN math: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.math.html
# and NaN stats: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.statistics.html
# Classic math and stats (same links as above)
+ [
# Sorting, searching and counting: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.sort.html
+ ["sort", "count_nonzero", "unique"]
# Logic functions: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.logic.html
+ ["all", "any", "isfinite", "isinf", "isnan", "logical_not"]
# Set default attributes to be kept from rasterio's DatasetReader
_default_rio_attrs = [
def _load_rio(
dataset: rio.io.DatasetReader,
only_mask: bool = False,
indexes: int | list[int] | None = None,
masked: bool = False,
transform: Affine | None = None,
shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
out_count: int | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> MArrayNum:
Load specific bands of the dataset, using :func:`rasterio.read`.
Ensure that ``self.data.ndim=3`` for ease of use (needed e.g. in show).
:param dataset: Dataset to read (opened with :func:`rasterio.open`).
:param only_mask: Read only the dataset mask.
:param indexes: Band(s) to load. Note that rasterio begins counting at 1, not 0.
:param masked: Whether the mask should be read (if any exists) to use the nodata to mask values.
:param transform: Create a window from the given transform (to read only parts of the raster)
:param shape: Expected shape of the read ndarray. Must be given together with the `transform` argument.
:param out_count: Specify the count for a downsampled version (to be used with kwargs out_shape).
:raises ValueError: If only one of ``transform`` and ``shape`` are given.
:returns: An unmasked array if ``masked`` is ``False``, or a masked array otherwise.
\*\*kwargs: any additional arguments to rasterio.io.DatasetReader.read.
Useful ones are:
.. hlist::
* out_shape : to load a downsampled version, always use with out_count
* window : to load a cropped version
* resampling : to set the resampling algorithm
# If out_shape is passed, no need to account for transform and shape
if kwargs["out_shape"] is not None:
window = None
# If multi-band raster, the out_shape needs to contain the count
if out_count is not None and out_count > 1:
kwargs["out_shape"] = (out_count, *kwargs["out_shape"])
if transform is not None and shape is not None:
if transform == dataset.transform:
row_off, col_off = 0, 0
row_off, col_off = (round(val) for val in dataset.index(transform[2], abs(transform[4])))
window = rio.windows.Window(col_off, row_off, *shape[::-1])
elif sum(param is None for param in [shape, transform]) == 1:
raise ValueError("If 'shape' or 'transform' is provided, BOTH must be given.")
window = None
if indexes is None:
if only_mask:
data = dataset.read_masks(window=window, **kwargs)
data = dataset.read(masked=masked, window=window, **kwargs)
if only_mask:
data = dataset.read_masks(indexes=indexes, window=window, **kwargs)
data = dataset.read(indexes=indexes, masked=masked, window=window, **kwargs)
return data
def _cast_numeric_array_raster(
raster: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number, operation_name: str
) -> tuple[MArrayNum, MArrayNum | NDArrayNum | Number, float | int | None, Literal["Area", "Point"] | None]:
Cast a raster and another raster or array or number to arrays with proper metadata, or raise an error message.
:param raster: Raster.
:param other: Raster or array or number.
:param operation_name: Name of operation to raise in the error message.
:return: Returns array objects, nodata value and pixel interpretation.
# Check first input is a raster
if not isinstance(raster, Raster):
raise ValueError("Developer error: Only a raster should be passed as first argument to this function.")
# Check that other is of correct type
# If not, a NotImplementedError should be raised, in case other's class has a method implemented.
# See https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#emulating-numeric-types
if not isinstance(other, (Raster, np.ndarray, float, int, np.floating, np.integer)):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Operation between an object of type {type(other)} and a Raster impossible. Must be a Raster, "
f"np.ndarray or single number."
# If other is a raster
if isinstance(other, Raster):
nodata2 = other.nodata
dtype2 = other.data.dtype
other_data: NDArrayNum | MArrayNum | Number = other.data
# Check that both rasters have the same shape and georeferences
if raster.georeferenced_grid_equal(other): # type: ignore
raise ValueError(
"Both rasters must have the same shape, transform and CRS for " + operation_name + ". "
"For example, use raster1 = raster1.reproject(raster2) to reproject raster1 on the "
"same grid and CRS than raster2."
# If other is an array
elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
# Squeeze first axis of other data if possible
if other.ndim == 3 and other.shape[0] == 1:
other_data = other.squeeze(axis=0)
other_data = other
nodata2 = None
dtype2 = other.dtype
if raster.shape == other_data.shape:
raise ValueError(
"The raster and array must have the same shape for " + operation_name + ". "
"For example, if the array comes from another raster, use raster1 = "
"raster1.reproject(raster2) beforehand to reproject raster1 on the same grid and CRS "
"than raster2. Or, if the array does not come from a raster, define one with raster = "
"Raster.from_array(array, array_transform, array_crs, array_nodata) then reproject."
# If other is a single number
other_data = other
nodata2 = None
dtype2 = rio.dtypes.get_minimum_dtype(other_data)
# Get raster dtype and nodata
nodata1 = raster.nodata
dtype1 = raster.data.dtype
# 1/ Output nodata depending on common data type
out_dtype = np.promote_types(dtype1, dtype2)
out_nodata = None
# Priority to nodata of first raster if both match the output dtype
if (nodata2 is not None) and (out_dtype == dtype2):
out_nodata = nodata2
elif (nodata1 is not None) and (out_dtype == dtype1):
out_nodata = nodata1
# In some cases the promoted output type does not match any inputs
# (e.g. for inputs "uint8" and "int8", output is "int16")
elif (nodata1 is not None) or (nodata2 is not None):
out_nodata = nodata1 if not None else nodata2
# 2/ Output pixel interpretation
if isinstance(other, Raster):
area_or_point = _cast_pixel_interpretation(raster.area_or_point, other.area_or_point)
area_or_point = raster.area_or_point
return raster.data, other_data, out_nodata, area_or_point
class Raster:
The georeferenced raster.
Main attributes:
data: :class:`np.ndarray`
Data array of the raster, with dimensions corresponding to (count, height, width).
transform: :class:`affine.Affine`
Geotransform of the raster.
crs: :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS`
Coordinate reference system of the raster.
nodata: :class:`int` or :class:`float`
Nodata value of the raster.
All other attributes are derivatives of those attributes, or read from the file on disk.
See the API for more details.
def __init__(
filename_or_dataset: (
str | pathlib.Path | RasterType | rio.io.DatasetReader | rio.io.MemoryFile | dict[str, Any]
bands: int | list[int] | None = None,
load_data: bool = False,
parse_sensor_metadata: bool = False,
silent: bool = True,
downsample: Number = 1,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
) -> None:
Instantiate a raster from a filename or rasterio dataset.
:param filename_or_dataset: Path to file or Rasterio dataset.
:param bands: Band(s) to load into the object. Default loads all bands.
:param load_data: Whether to load the array during instantiation. Default is False.
:param parse_sensor_metadata: Whether to parse sensor metadata from filename and similarly-named metadata files.
:param silent: Whether to parse metadata silently or with console output.
:param downsample: Downsample the array once loaded by a round factor. Default is no downsampling.
:param nodata: Nodata value to be used (overwrites the metadata). Default reads from metadata.
self._driver: str | None = None
self._name: str | None = None
self.filename: str | None = None
self._tags: dict[str, Any] = {}
self._data: MArrayNum | None = None
self._transform: affine.Affine | None = None
self._crs: CRS | None = None
self._nodata: int | float | None = nodata
self._bands = bands
self._bands_loaded: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None
self._masked = True
self._out_count: int | None = None
self._out_shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None
self._disk_hash: int | None = None
self._is_modified = True
self._disk_shape: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None
self._disk_bands: tuple[int] | None = None
self._disk_dtype: str | None = None
self._disk_transform: affine.Affine | None = None
self._downsample: int | float = 1
self._area_or_point: Literal["Area", "Point"] | None = None
# This is for Raster.from_array to work.
if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, dict):
self.tags = filename_or_dataset["tags"]
# To have "area_or_point" user input go through checks of the set() function without shifting the transform
self.set_area_or_point(filename_or_dataset["area_or_point"], shift_area_or_point=False)
# Need to set nodata before the data setter, which uses it
# We trick set_nodata into knowing the data type by setting self._disk_dtype, then unsetting it
# (as a raster created from an array doesn't have a disk dtype)
if np.dtype(filename_or_dataset["data"].dtype) != bool: # Exception for Mask class
self._disk_dtype = filename_or_dataset["data"].dtype
self.set_nodata(filename_or_dataset["nodata"], update_array=False, update_mask=False)
self._disk_dtype = None
# Then, we can set the data, transform and crs
self.data = filename_or_dataset["data"]
self.transform: rio.transform.Affine = filename_or_dataset["transform"]
self.crs: rio.crs.CRS = filename_or_dataset["crs"]
for key in filename_or_dataset:
if key in ["data", "transform", "crs", "nodata", "area_or_point", "tags"]:
setattr(self, key, filename_or_dataset[key])
# If Raster is passed, simply point back to Raster
if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, Raster):
for key in filename_or_dataset.__dict__:
setattr(self, key, filename_or_dataset.__dict__[key])
# Image is a file on disk.
elif isinstance(filename_or_dataset, (str, pathlib.Path, rio.io.DatasetReader, rio.io.MemoryFile)):
# ExitStack is used instead of "with rio.open(filename_or_dataset) as ds:".
# This is because we might not actually want to open it like that, so this is equivalent
# to the pseudocode:
# "with rio.open(filename_or_dataset) as ds if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, str) else ds:"
# This is slightly black magic, but it works!
with ExitStack():
if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, (str, pathlib.Path)):
ds: rio.io.DatasetReader = rio.open(filename_or_dataset)
self.filename = str(filename_or_dataset)
elif isinstance(filename_or_dataset, rio.io.DatasetReader):
ds = filename_or_dataset
self.filename = filename_or_dataset.files[0]
# This is if it's a MemoryFile
ds = filename_or_dataset.open()
# In that case, data has to be loaded
load_data = True
self.filename = None
self._transform = ds.transform
self._crs = ds.crs
self._nodata = ds.nodata
self._name = ds.name
self._driver = ds.driver
# For tags saved from sensor metadata, convert from string to practical type (datetime, etc)
converted_tags = decode_sensor_metadata(self.tags)
self._area_or_point = self.tags.get("AREA_OR_POINT", None)
self._disk_shape = (ds.count, ds.height, ds.width)
self._disk_bands = ds.indexes
self._disk_dtype = ds.dtypes[0]
self._disk_transform = ds.transform
# Check number of bands to be loaded
if bands is None:
count = self.count
elif isinstance(bands, int):
count = 1
count = len(bands)
# Downsampled image size
if not isinstance(downsample, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("downsample must be of type int or float.")
if downsample == 1:
out_shape = (self.height, self.width)
down_width = int(np.ceil(self.width / downsample))
down_height = int(np.ceil(self.height / downsample))
out_shape = (down_height, down_width)
res = tuple(np.asarray(self.res) * downsample)
self.transform = rio.transform.from_origin(self.bounds.left, self.bounds.top, res[0], res[1])
self._downsample = downsample
# This will record the downsampled out_shape is data is only loaded later on by .load()
self._out_shape = out_shape
self._out_count = count
if load_data:
# Mypy doesn't like the out_shape for some reason. I can't figure out why! (erikmannerfelt, 14/01/2022)
# Don't need to pass shape and transform, because out_shape overrides it
self.data = _load_rio(
) # type: ignore
# Probably don't want to use set_nodata that can update array, setting self._nodata is sufficient
# Set nodata only if data is loaded
# if nodata is not None and self._data is not None:
# self.set_nodata(self._nodata)
# If data was loaded explicitly, initiate is_modified and save disk hash
if load_data and isinstance(filename_or_dataset, str):
self._is_modified = False
self._disk_hash = hash((self.data.tobytes(), self.transform, self.crs, self.nodata))
# Provide a catch in case trying to load from data array
elif isinstance(filename_or_dataset, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError("The filename is an array, did you mean to call Raster.from_array(...) instead?")
# Don't recognise the input, so stop here.
raise TypeError("The filename argument is not recognised, should be a path or a Rasterio dataset.")
# Parse metadata and add to tags
if parse_sensor_metadata and self.filename is not None:
sensor_meta = parse_and_convert_metadata_from_filename(self.filename, silent=silent)
def count_on_disk(self) -> None | int:
"""Count of bands on disk if it exists."""
if self._disk_shape is not None:
return self._disk_shape[0]
return None
def count(self) -> int:
"""Count of bands loaded in memory if they are, otherwise the one on disk."""
if self.is_loaded:
if self.data.ndim == 2:
return 1
return int(self.data.shape[0])
# This can only happen if data is not loaded, with a DatasetReader on disk is open, never returns None
return self.count_on_disk # type: ignore
def height(self) -> int:
"""Height of the raster in pixels."""
if not self.is_loaded:
if self._out_shape is not None:
return self._out_shape[0]
return self._disk_shape[1] # type: ignore
# If the raster is single-band
if self.data.ndim == 2:
return int(self.data.shape[0])
# Or multi-band
return int(self.data.shape[1])
def width(self) -> int:
"""Width of the raster in pixels."""
if not self.is_loaded:
if self._out_shape is not None:
return self._out_shape[1]
return self._disk_shape[2] # type: ignore
# If the raster is single-band
if self.data.ndim == 2:
return int(self.data.shape[1])
# Or multi-band
return int(self.data.shape[2])
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Shape (i.e., height, width) of the raster in pixels."""
# If a downsampling argument was defined but data not loaded yet
if self._out_shape is not None and not self.is_loaded:
return self._out_shape
# If data loaded or not, pass the disk/data shape through height and width
return self.height, self.width
def res(self) -> tuple[float | int, float | int]:
"""Resolution (X, Y) of the raster in georeferenced units."""
return _res(self.transform)
def bounds(self) -> rio.coords.BoundingBox:
"""Bounding coordinates of the raster."""
return _bounds(transform=self.transform, shape=self.shape)
def footprint(self) -> Vector:
"""Footprint of the raster."""
return self.get_footprint_projected(self.crs)
def is_loaded(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the raster array is loaded."""
return self._data is not None
def dtype(self) -> str:
"""Data type of the raster (string representation)."""
if not self.is_loaded and self._disk_dtype is not None:
return self._disk_dtype
return str(self.data.dtype)
def bands_on_disk(self) -> None | tuple[int, ...]:
"""Band indexes on disk if a file exists."""
if self._disk_bands is not None:
return self._disk_bands
return None
def bands(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
"""Band indexes loaded in memory if they are, otherwise on disk."""
if self._bands is not None and not self.is_loaded:
if isinstance(self._bands, int):
return (self._bands,)
return tuple(self._bands)
# if self._indexes_loaded is not None:
# if isinstance(self._indexes_loaded, int):
# return (self._indexes_loaded, )
# return tuple(self._indexes_loaded)
if self.is_loaded:
return tuple(range(1, self.count + 1))
return self.bands_on_disk # type: ignore
def indexes(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
Band indexes (duplicate of .bands attribute, mirroring Rasterio naming "indexes").
Loaded in memory if they are, otherwise on disk.
return self.bands
def name(self) -> str | None:
"""Name of the file on disk, if it exists."""
return self._name
def set_area_or_point(
self, new_area_or_point: Literal["Area", "Point"] | None, shift_area_or_point: bool | None = None
) -> None:
Set new pixel interpretation of the raster.
Overwrites the `area_or_point` attribute and updates "AREA_OR_POINT" in raster metadata tags.
Optionally, shifts the raster to correct value coordinates in relation to interpretation:
- By half a pixel (right and downwards) if old interpretation was "Area" and new is "Point",
- By half a pixel (left and upwards) if old interpretration was "Point" and new is "Area",
- No shift for all other cases.
:param new_area_or_point: New pixel interpretation "Area", "Point" or None.
:param shift_area_or_point: Whether to shift with pixel interpretation, which shifts to center of pixel
indexes if self.area_or_point is "Point" and maintains corner pixel indexes if it is "Area" or None.
Defaults to True. Can be configured with the global setting geoutils.config["shift_area_or_point"].
:return: None.
# If undefined, default to the global system config
if shift_area_or_point is None:
shift_area_or_point = config["shift_area_or_point"]
# Check input
if new_area_or_point is not None and not (
isinstance(new_area_or_point, str) and new_area_or_point.lower() in ["area", "point"]
raise ValueError("New pixel interpretation must be 'Area', 'Point' or None.")
# Update string input as exactly "Area" or "Point"
if new_area_or_point is not None:
if new_area_or_point.lower() == "area":
new_area_or_point = "Area"
new_area_or_point = "Point"
# Save old area or point
old_area_or_point = self.area_or_point
# Set new interpretation
self._area_or_point = new_area_or_point
# Update tag only if not None
if new_area_or_point is not None:
self.tags.update({"AREA_OR_POINT": new_area_or_point})
if "AREA_OR_POINT" in self.tags:
# If shift is True, and both interpretation were different strings, a change is needed
if (
and isinstance(old_area_or_point, str)
and isinstance(new_area_or_point, str)
and old_area_or_point != new_area_or_point
# The shift below represents +0.5/+0.5 or opposite in indexes (as done in xy2ij), but because
# the Y axis is inverted, a minus signs is added to shift the coordinate (even if the unit is in pixel)
# If the new one is Point, we shift back by half a pixel
if new_area_or_point == "Point":
xoff = 0.5
yoff = -0.5
# Otherwise we shift forward half a pixel
xoff = -0.5
yoff = 0.5
# We perform the shift in place
self.translate(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, distance_unit="pixel", inplace=True)
def area_or_point(self) -> Literal["Area", "Point"] | None:
Pixel interpretation of the raster.
Based on the "AREA_OR_POINT" raster metadata:
- If pixel interpretation is "Area", the value of the pixel is associated with its upper left corner.
- If pixel interpretation is "Point", the value of the pixel is associated with its center.
When setting with self.area_or_point = new_area_or_point, uses the default arguments of
return self._area_or_point
def area_or_point(self, new_area_or_point: Literal["Area", "Point"] | None) -> None:
Setter for pixel interpretation.
Uses default arguments of self.set_area_or_point(): shifts by half a pixel going from "Area" to "Point",
or the opposite.
:param new_area_or_point: New pixel interpretation "Area", "Point" or None.
:return: None.
def driver(self) -> str | None:
"""Driver used to read a file on disk."""
return self._driver
def _load_only_mask(self, bands: int | list[int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArrayBool:
Load only the raster mask from disk and return as independent array (not stored in any class attributes).
:param bands: Band(s) to load. Note that rasterio begins counting at 1, not 0.
:param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments sent to '_load_rio()'.
:raises ValueError: If the data are already loaded.
:raises AttributeError: If no 'filename' attribute exists.
if self.is_loaded:
raise ValueError("Data are already loaded.")
if self.filename is None:
raise AttributeError(
"Cannot load as filename is not set anymore. Did you manually update the filename attribute?"
out_count = self._out_count
# If no index is passed, use all of them
if bands is None:
valid_bands = self.bands
# If a new index was pass, redefine out_shape
elif isinstance(bands, (int, list)):
# Rewrite properly as a tuple
if isinstance(bands, int):
valid_bands = (bands,)
valid_bands = tuple(bands)
# Update out_count if out_shape exists (when a downsampling has been passed)
if self._out_shape is not None:
out_count = len(valid_bands)
# If a downsampled out_shape was defined during instantiation
with rio.open(self.filename) as dataset:
mask = _load_rio(
# Rasterio says the mask should be returned in 2D for a single band but it seems not
mask = mask.squeeze()
# Valid data is equal to 255, invalid is equal to zero (see Rasterio doc)
mask_bool = mask == 0
return mask_bool
def load(self, bands: int | list[int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Load the raster array from disk.
:param bands: Band(s) to load. Note that rasterio begins counting at 1, not 0.
:param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments sent to '_load_rio()'.
:raises ValueError: If the data are already loaded.
:raises AttributeError: If no 'filename' attribute exists.
if self.is_loaded:
raise ValueError("Data are already loaded.")
if self.filename is None:
raise AttributeError(
"Cannot load as filename is not set anymore. Did you manually update the filename attribute?"
# If no index is passed, use all of them
if bands is None:
valid_bands = self.bands
# If a new index was pass, redefine out_shape
elif isinstance(bands, (int, list)):
# Rewrite properly as a tuple
if isinstance(bands, int):
valid_bands = (bands,)
valid_bands = tuple(bands)
# Update out_count if out_shape exists (when a downsampling has been passed)
if self._out_shape is not None:
self._out_count = len(valid_bands)
# Save which bands are loaded
self._bands_loaded = valid_bands
# If a downsampled out_shape was defined during instantiation
with rio.open(self.filename) as dataset:
self.data = _load_rio(
# Probably don't want to use set_nodata() that updates the array
# Set nodata value with the loaded array
# if self._nodata is not None:
# self.set_nodata(nodata=self._nodata)
# To have is_modified work correctly when data is loaded implicitly (not in init)
self._is_modified = False
self._disk_hash = hash((self.data.tobytes(), self.transform, self.crs, self.nodata))
def from_array(
cls: type[RasterType],
data: NDArrayNum | MArrayNum | NDArrayBool,
transform: tuple[float, ...] | Affine,
crs: CRS | int | None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
area_or_point: Literal["Area", "Point"] | None = None,
tags: dict[str, Any] = None,
cast_nodata: bool = True,
) -> RasterType:
"""Create a raster from a numpy array and the georeferencing information.
Expects a 2D (single band) or 3D (multi-band) array of the raster. The first axis corresponds to bands.
:param data: Input array, 2D for single band or 3D for multi-band (bands should be first axis).
:param transform: Affine 2D transform. Either a tuple(x_res, 0.0, top_left_x,
0.0, y_res, top_left_y) or an affine.Affine object.
:param crs: Coordinate reference system. Any CRS supported by Pyproj (e.g., CRS object, EPSG integer).
:param nodata: Nodata value.
:param area_or_point: Pixel interpretation of the raster, will be stored in AREA_OR_POINT metadata.
:param tags: Metadata stored in a dictionary.
:param cast_nodata: Automatically cast nodata value to the default nodata for the new array type if not
compatible. If False, will raise an error when incompatible.
:returns: Raster created from the provided array and georeferencing.
You have a data array in EPSG:32645. It has a spatial resolution of
30 m in x and y, and its top left corner is X=478000, Y=3108140.
>>> data = np.ones((500, 500), dtype="uint8")
>>> transform = (30.0, 0.0, 478000.0, 0.0, -30.0, 3108140.0)
>>> myim = Raster.from_array(data, transform, 32645)
# Define tags as empty dictionary if not defined
if tags is None:
tags = {}
# Cast nodata if the new array has incompatible type with the old nodata value
if cast_nodata:
nodata = _cast_nodata(data.dtype, nodata)
# If the data was transformed into boolean, re-initialize as a Mask subclass
# Typing: we can specify this behaviour in @overload once we add the NumPy plugin of MyPy
if data.dtype == bool:
return Mask(
"data": data,
"transform": transform,
"crs": crs,
"nodata": nodata,
"area_or_point": area_or_point,
"tags": tags,
) # type: ignore
# Otherwise, keep as a given RasterType subclass
return cls(
"data": data,
"transform": transform,
"crs": crs,
"nodata": nodata,
"area_or_point": area_or_point,
"tags": tags,
def to_rio_dataset(self) -> rio.io.DatasetReader:
"""Export to a Rasterio in-memory dataset."""
# Create handle to new memory file
mfh = rio.io.MemoryFile()
# Write info to the memory file
with rio.open(
) as ds:
if self.count == 1:
ds.write(self.data[np.newaxis, :, :])
# Then open as a DatasetReader
return mfh.open()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Convert raster to string representation."""
# If data not loaded, return and string and avoid calling .data
if not self.is_loaded:
str_data = "not_loaded; shape on disk " + str(self._disk_shape)
if self._out_shape is not None:
# Shape to load
if self.count == 1:
shape_to_load = self._out_shape
shape_to_load = (self._out_count, *self._out_shape) # type: ignore
str_data = str_data + "; will load " + str(shape_to_load)
str_data = "\n ".join(self.data.__str__().split("\n"))
# Above and below, we align left spaces for multi-line object representation (arrays) after return to lines
# And call the class name for easier inheritance to subclasses (avoid overloading to just rewrite subclass name)
s = (
+ "(\n"
+ " data="
+ str_data
+ "\n transform="
+ "\n ".join(self.transform.__str__().split("\n"))
+ "\n crs="
+ self.crs.__str__()
+ "\n nodata="
+ self.nodata.__str__()
+ ")"
return str(s)
# L = [getattr(self, item) for item in self._saved_attrs]
# s: str = "{}.{}({})".format(type(self).__module__, type(self).__qualname__, ", ".join(map(str, L)))
# return s
def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
"""Convert raster to HTML representation for documentation."""
# If data not loaded, return and string and avoid calling .data
if not self.is_loaded:
str_data = "<i>not_loaded; shape on disk " + str(self._disk_shape)
if self._out_shape is not None:
# Shape to load
if self._out_count == 1:
shape_to_load = self._out_shape
shape_to_load = (self._out_count, *self._out_shape) # type: ignore
str_data = str_data + "; will load " + str(shape_to_load) + "</i>"
str_data = "\n ".join(self.data.__str__().split("\n"))
# Use <pre> to keep white spaces, <span> to keep line breaks
s = (
'<pre><span style="white-space: pre-wrap"><b><em>'
+ self.__class__.__name__
+ "</em></b>(\n"
+ " <b>data=</b>"
+ str_data
+ "\n <b>transform=</b>"
+ "\n ".join(self.transform.__str__().split("\n"))
+ "\n <b>crs=</b>"
+ self.crs.__str__()
+ "\n <b>nodata=</b>"
+ self.nodata.__str__()
+ ")</span></pre>"
return str(s)
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Provide simplified raster string representation for print()."""
if not self.is_loaded:
s = "not_loaded"
s = self.data.__str__()
return str(s)
def __getitem__(self, index: Mask | NDArrayBool | Any) -> NDArrayBool | Raster:
Index the raster.
In addition to all index types supported by NumPy, also supports a mask of same georeferencing or a
boolean array of the same shape as the raster.
if isinstance(index, (Mask, np.ndarray)):
_cast_numeric_array_raster(self, index, operation_name="an indexing operation") # type: ignore
# If input is Mask with the same shape and georeferencing
if isinstance(index, Mask):
if self.count == 1:
return self.data[index.data.squeeze()]
return self.data[:, index.data.squeeze()]
# If input is array with the same shape
elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray):
if str(index.dtype) != "bool":
index = index.astype(bool)
warnings.warn(message="Input array was cast to boolean for indexing.", category=UserWarning)
if self.count == 1:
return self.data[index]
return self.data[:, index]
# Otherwise, use any other possible index and leave it to NumPy
return self.data[index]
def __setitem__(self, index: Mask | NDArrayBool | Any, assign: NDArrayNum | Number) -> None:
Perform index assignment on the raster.
In addition to all index types supported by NumPy, also supports a mask of same georeferencing or a
boolean array of the same shape as the raster.
# First, check index
if isinstance(index, (Mask, np.ndarray)):
_cast_numeric_array_raster(self, index, operation_name="an index assignment operation") # type: ignore
# If input is Mask with the same shape and georeferencing
if isinstance(index, Mask):
ind = index.data.data
use_all_bands = False
# If input is array with the same shape
elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray):
if str(index.dtype) != "bool":
ind = index.astype(bool)
warnings.warn(message="Input array was cast to boolean for indexing.", category=UserWarning)
use_all_bands = False
# Otherwise, use the index, NumPy will raise appropriate errors itself
ind = index
use_all_bands = True
# Second, assign the data, here also let NumPy do the job
# We need to explicitly load here, as we cannot call the data getter/setter directly
if not self.is_loaded:
# Assign the values to the index (single band raster with mask/array, or other NumPy index)
if self.count == 1 or use_all_bands:
self._data[ind] = assign # type: ignore
# For multi-band rasters with a mask/array
self._data[:, ind] = assign # type: ignore
return None
def raster_equal(self, other: RasterType, strict_masked: bool = True, warn_failure_reason: bool = False) -> bool:
Check if two rasters are equal.
This means that are equal:
- The raster's masked array's data (including masked values), mask, fill_value and dtype,
- The raster's transform, crs and nodata values.
:param other: Other raster.
:param strict_masked: Whether to check if masked cells (in .data.mask) have the same value (in .data.data).
:param warn_failure_reason: Whether to warn for the reason of failure if the check does not pass.
if not isinstance(other, Raster):
raise NotImplementedError("Equality with other object than Raster not supported by raster_equal.")
if strict_masked:
names = ["data.data", "data.mask", "data.fill_value", "dtype", "transform", "crs", "nodata"]
equalities = [
np.array_equal(self.data.data, other.data.data, equal_nan=True),
# Use getmaskarray to avoid comparing boolean with array when mask=False
np.array_equal(np.ma.getmaskarray(self.data), np.ma.getmaskarray(other.data)),
self.data.fill_value == other.data.fill_value,
self.data.dtype == other.data.dtype,
self.transform == other.transform,
self.crs == other.crs,
self.nodata == other.nodata,
names = ["data", "data.fill_value", "dtype", "transform", "crs", "nodata"]
equalities = [
np.ma.allequal(self.data, other.data),
self.data.fill_value == other.data.fill_value,
self.data.dtype == other.data.dtype,
self.transform == other.transform,
self.crs == other.crs,
self.nodata == other.nodata,
complete_equality = all(equalities)
if not complete_equality and warn_failure_reason:
where_fail = np.nonzero(~np.array(equalities))[0]
category=UserWarning, message=f"Equality failed for: {', '.join([names[w] for w in where_fail])}."
return complete_equality
def __add__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Sum two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
# Check inputs and return compatible data, output dtype and nodata value
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
# Run calculation
out_data = self_data + other_data
# Save to output Raster
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
# Skip Mypy not resolving forward operator typing with NumPy numbers: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11595
def __radd__(self: RasterType, other: NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
Sum two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
For when other is first item in the operation (e.g. 1 + rst).
return self.__add__(other) # type: ignore
def __neg__(self: RasterType) -> RasterType:
Take the raster negation.
Returns a raster with -self.data.
return self.copy(-self.data)
def __sub__(self, other: Raster | NDArrayNum | Number) -> Raster:
Subtract two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data - other_data
return self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
# Skip Mypy not resolving forward operator typing with NumPy numbers: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11595
def __rsub__(self: RasterType, other: NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
Subtract two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
For when other is first item in the operation (e.g. 1 - rst).
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = other_data - self_data
return self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
def __mul__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Multiply two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data * other_data
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
# Skip Mypy not resolving forward operator typing with NumPy numbers: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11595
def __rmul__(self: RasterType, other: NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
Multiply two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
For when other is first item in the operation (e.g. 2 * rst).
return self.__mul__(other)
def __truediv__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
True division of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data / other_data
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
# Skip Mypy not resolving forward operator typing with NumPy numbers: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11595
def __rtruediv__(self: RasterType, other: NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
True division of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
For when other is first item in the operation (e.g. 1/rst).
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = other_data / self_data
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
def __floordiv__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Floor division of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data // other_data
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
# Skip Mypy not resolving forward operator typing with NumPy numbers: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11595
def __rfloordiv__(self: RasterType, other: NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
Floor division of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
For when other is first item in the operation (e.g. 1/rst).
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = other_data // self_data
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
def __mod__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Modulo of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data % other_data
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=aop)
return out_rst
def __pow__(self: RasterType, power: int | float) -> RasterType:
Power of a raster to a number.
# Check that input is a number
if not isinstance(power, (float, int, np.floating, np.integer)):
raise ValueError("Power needs to be a number.")
# Calculate the product of arrays and save to new Raster
out_data = self.data**power
nodata = self.nodata
out_rst = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=self.area_or_point)
return out_rst
def __eq__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
Element-wise equality of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
This operation casts the result into a Mask.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, _, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data == other_data
out_mask = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=None, area_or_point=aop)
return out_mask
def __ne__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType: # type: ignore
Element-wise negation of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array, or a raster and single number.
This operation casts the result into a Mask.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, _, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data != other_data
out_mask = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=None, area_or_point=aop)
return out_mask
def __lt__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Element-wise lower than comparison of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array,
or a raster and single number.
This operation casts the result into a Mask.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, _, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data < other_data
out_mask = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=None, area_or_point=aop)
return out_mask
def __le__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Element-wise lower or equal comparison of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array,
or a raster and single number.
This operation casts the result into a Mask.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, _, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data <= other_data
out_mask = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=None, area_or_point=aop)
return out_mask
def __gt__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Element-wise greater than comparison of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array,
or a raster and single number.
This operation casts the result into a Mask.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, _, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data > other_data
out_mask = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=None, area_or_point=aop)
return out_mask
def __ge__(self: RasterType, other: RasterType | NDArrayNum | Number) -> RasterType:
Element-wise greater or equal comparison of two rasters, or a raster and a numpy array,
or a raster and single number.
This operation casts the result into a Mask.
If other is a Raster, it must have the same shape, transform and crs as self.
If other is a np.ndarray, it must have the same shape.
Otherwise, other must be a single number.
self_data, other_data, _, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation"
out_data = self_data >= other_data
out_mask = self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=None, area_or_point=aop)
return out_mask
def astype(
self: RasterType, dtype: DTypeLike, convert_nodata: bool = True, *, inplace: Literal[False] = False
) -> RasterType: ...
def astype(self: RasterType, dtype: DTypeLike, convert_nodata: bool = True, *, inplace: Literal[True]) -> None: ...
def astype(
self: RasterType, dtype: DTypeLike, convert_nodata: bool = True, *, inplace: bool = False
) -> RasterType | None: ...
def astype(
self: RasterType, dtype: DTypeLike, convert_nodata: bool = True, inplace: bool = False
) -> RasterType | None:
Convert data type of the raster.
By default, converts the nodata value to the default of the new data type.
:param dtype: Any numpy dtype or string accepted by numpy.astype.
:param convert_nodata: Whether to convert the nodata value to the default of the new dtype.
:param inplace: Whether to modify the raster in-place.
:returns: Raster with updated dtype (or None if inplace).
# Check that dtype is supported by rasterio
if not rio.dtypes.check_dtype(dtype):
raise TypeError(f"{dtype} is not supported by rasterio")
# Check that data type change will not result in a loss of information
if not rio.dtypes.can_cast_dtype(self.data, dtype):
"dtype conversion will result in a loss of information. "
f"{rio.dtypes.get_minimum_dtype(self.data)} is the minimum type to represent the data."
out_data = self.data.astype(dtype)
if inplace:
self._data = out_data # type: ignore
if convert_nodata:
return None
if not convert_nodata:
nodata = self.nodata
nodata = _default_nodata(dtype)
return self.from_array(out_data, self.transform, self.crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=self.area_or_point)
def is_modified(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the array has been modified since it was loaded from disk.
:returns: True if raster has been modified.
if not self.is_loaded:
return False
if not self._is_modified:
new_hash = hash(
(self._data.tobytes() if self._data is not None else 0, self.transform, self.crs, self.nodata)
self._is_modified = not (self._disk_hash == new_hash)
return self._is_modified
def nodata(self) -> int | float | None:
Nodata value of the raster.
When setting with self.nodata = new_nodata, uses the default arguments of self.set_nodata().
:returns: Nodata value
return self._nodata
def nodata(self, new_nodata: int | float | None) -> None:
Set .nodata and update .data by calling set_nodata() with default parameters.
By default, the old nodata values are updated into the new nodata in the data array .data.data, and the
mask .data.mask is updated to mask all new nodata values (i.e., the mask from old nodata stays and is extended
to potential new values of new nodata found in the array).
To set nodata for more complex cases (e.g., redefining a wrong nodata that has a valid value in the array),
call the function set_nodata() directly to set the arguments update_array and update_mask adequately.
:param new_nodata: New nodata to assign to this instance of Raster.
def set_nodata(
new_nodata: int | float | None,
update_array: bool = True,
update_mask: bool = True,
) -> None:
Set a new nodata value for all bands. This updates the old nodata into a new nodata value in the metadata,
replaces the nodata values in the data of the masked array, and updates the mask of the masked array.
Careful! If the new nodata value already exists in the array, the related grid cells will be masked by default.
If the nodata value was not defined in the raster, run this function with a new nodata value corresponding to
the value of nodata that exists in the data array and is not yet accounted for. All those values will be masked.
If a nodata value was correctly defined in the raster, and you wish to change it to a new value, run
this function with that new value. All values having either the old or new nodata value will be masked.
If the nodata value was wrongly defined in the raster, and you wish to change it to a new value without
affecting data that might have the value of the old nodata, run this function with the update_array
argument as False. Only the values of the new nodata will be masked.
If you wish to set nodata value without updating the mask, run this function with the update_mask argument as
If None is passed as nodata, only the metadata is updated and the mask of old nodata unset.
:param new_nodata: New nodata value.
:param update_array: Update the old nodata values into new nodata values in the data array.
:param update_mask: Update the old mask by unmasking old nodata and masking new nodata (if array is updated,
old nodata are changed to new nodata and thus stay masked).
if new_nodata is not None and not isinstance(new_nodata, (int, float, np.integer, np.floating)):
raise ValueError("Type of nodata not understood, must be float or int.")
if new_nodata is not None:
if not rio.dtypes.can_cast_dtype(new_nodata, self.dtype):
raise ValueError(f"Nodata value {new_nodata} incompatible with self.dtype {self.dtype}.")
# If we update mask or array, get the masked array
if update_array or update_mask:
# Extract the data variable, so the self.data property doesn't have to be called a bunch of times
imgdata = self.data
# Get the index of old nodatas
index_old_nodatas = imgdata.data == self.nodata
# Get the index of new nodatas, if it is defined
index_new_nodatas = imgdata.data == new_nodata
if np.count_nonzero(index_new_nodatas) > 0:
if update_array and update_mask:
message="New nodata value cells already exist in the data array. These cells will now be "
"masked, and the old nodata value cells will update to the same new value. "
"Use set_nodata() with update_array=False or update_mask=False to change "
"this behaviour.",
elif update_array:
"New nodata value cells already exist in the data array. The old nodata cells will update to "
"the same new value. Use set_nodata() with update_array=False to change this behaviour.",
elif update_mask:
"New nodata value cells already exist in the data array. These cells will now be masked. "
"Use set_nodata() with update_mask=False to change this behaviour.",
if update_array:
# Only update array with new nodata if it is defined
if new_nodata is not None:
# Replace the nodata value in the Raster
imgdata.data[index_old_nodatas] = new_nodata
if update_mask:
# If a mask already exists, unmask the old nodata values before masking the new ones
# Can be skipped if array is updated (nodata is transferred from old to new, this part of the mask
# stays the same)
if np.ma.is_masked(imgdata) and (not update_array or new_nodata is None):
# No way to unmask a value from the masked array, so we modify the mask directly
imgdata.mask[index_old_nodatas] = False
# Masking like this works from the masked array directly, whether a mask exists or not
imgdata[index_new_nodatas] = np.ma.masked
# Update the data
self._data = imgdata
# Update the nodata value
self._nodata = new_nodata
# Update the fill value only if the data is loaded
if self.is_loaded:
self.data.fill_value = new_nodata
def data(self) -> MArrayNum:
Array of the raster.
:returns: Raster array.
if not self.is_loaded:
return self._data # type: ignore
def data(self, new_data: NDArrayNum | MArrayNum) -> None:
Set the contents of .data and possibly update .nodata.
The data setter behaviour is the following:
1. Writes the data in a masked array, whether the input is a classic array or a masked_array,
2. Reshapes the data to a 2D array if it is single band,
3. Raises an error if the dtype is different from that of the Raster, and points towards .copy() or .astype(),
4. Sets a new nodata value to the Raster if none is set and if the provided array contains non-finite values
that are unmasked (including if there is no mask at all, e.g. NaNs in a classic array),
5. Masks non-finite values that are unmasked, whether the input is a classic array or a masked_array. Note that
these values are not overwritten and can still be accessed in .data.data.
:param new_data: New data to assign to this instance of Raster.
# Check that new_data is a NumPy array
if not isinstance(new_data, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("New data must be a numpy array.")
if new_data.ndim not in [2, 3]:
raise ValueError("Data array must have 2 or 3 dimensions.")
# Squeeze 3D data if the band axis is of length 1
if new_data.ndim == 3 and new_data.shape[0] == 1:
new_data = new_data.squeeze(axis=0)
# Check that new_data has correct shape
# If data is loaded
if self._data is not None:
dtype = str(self._data.dtype)
orig_shape = self._data.shape
# If filename exists
elif self._disk_dtype is not None:
dtype = self._disk_dtype
if self._out_count == 1:
orig_shape = self._out_shape
orig_shape = (self._out_count, *self._out_shape) # type: ignore
dtype = str(new_data.dtype)
orig_shape = new_data.shape
# Check that new_data has the right type
if str(new_data.dtype) != dtype:
raise ValueError(
"New data must be of the same type as existing data: {}. Use copy() to set a new array with "
"different dtype, or astype() to change type.".format(dtype)
if new_data.shape != orig_shape:
raise ValueError(
f"New data must be of the same shape as existing data: {orig_shape}. Given: {new_data.shape}."
# If the new data is not masked and has non-finite values, we define a default nodata value
if (not np.ma.is_masked(new_data) and self.nodata is None and np.count_nonzero(~np.isfinite(new_data)) > 0) or (
and self.nodata is None
and np.count_nonzero(~np.isfinite(new_data.data[~new_data.mask])) > 0
"Setting default nodata {:.0f} to mask non-finite values found in the array, as "
"no nodata value was defined.".format(_default_nodata(dtype)),
self._nodata = _default_nodata(dtype)
# Now comes the important part, the data setting!
# Several cases to consider:
# 1/ If the new data is not masked (either classic array or masked array with no mask, hence the use of
# as array) and contains non-finite values such as NaNs, define a mask
if not np.ma.is_masked(new_data) and np.count_nonzero(~np.isfinite(new_data)) > 0:
self._data = np.ma.masked_array(
data=np.asarray(new_data), mask=~np.isfinite(new_data.data), fill_value=self.nodata
# 2/ If the new data is masked but some non-finite values aren't masked, add them to the mask
elif np.ma.is_masked(new_data) and np.count_nonzero(~np.isfinite(new_data.data[~new_data.mask])) > 0:
self._data = np.ma.masked_array(
mask=np.logical_or(~np.isfinite(new_data.data), new_data.mask),
# 3/ If the new data is a Masked Array, we pass data.data and data.mask independently (passing directly the
# masked array to data= has a strange behaviour that redefines fill_value)
elif np.ma.isMaskedArray(new_data):
self._data = np.ma.masked_array(data=new_data.data, mask=new_data.mask, fill_value=self.nodata)
# 4/ If the new data is classic ndarray
self._data = np.ma.masked_array(data=new_data, fill_value=self.nodata)
# Finally, mask values equal to the nodata value in case they weren't masked, but raise a warning
if np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(~self._data.mask, self._data.data == self.nodata)) > 0:
# This can happen during a numerical operation, especially for integer values that max out with a modulo
# It can also happen with from_array()
message="Unmasked values equal to the nodata value found in data array. They are now masked.\n "
"If this happened when creating or updating the array, to silence this warning, "
"convert nodata values in the array to np.nan or mask them with np.ma.masked prior "
"to creating or updating the raster.\n"
"If this happened during a numerical operation, use astype() prior to the operation "
"to convert to a data type that won't derive the nodata values (e.g., a float type).",
self._data[self._data.data == self.nodata] = np.ma.masked
def transform(self) -> affine.Affine:
Geotransform of the raster.
:returns: Affine matrix geotransform.
return self._transform
def transform(self, new_transform: tuple[float, ...] | Affine | None) -> None:
Set the geotransform of the raster.
if new_transform is None:
self._transform = None
if not isinstance(new_transform, Affine):
if isinstance(new_transform, tuple):
new_transform = Affine(*new_transform)
raise TypeError("The transform argument needs to be Affine or tuple.")
self._transform = new_transform
def crs(self) -> CRS:
Coordinate reference system of the raster.
:returns: Pyproj coordinate reference system.
return self._crs
def crs(self, new_crs: CRS | int | str | None) -> None:
Set the coordinate reference system of the raster.
if new_crs is None:
self._crs = None
new_crs = CRS.from_user_input(value=new_crs)
self._crs = new_crs
def tags(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
Metadata tags of the raster.
:returns: Dictionary of raster metadata, potentially including sensor information.
return self._tags
def tags(self, new_tags: dict[str, Any] | None) -> None:
Set the metadata tags of the raster.
if new_tags is None:
new_tags = {}
self._tags = new_tags
def set_mask(self, mask: NDArrayBool | Mask) -> None:
Set a mask on the raster array.
All pixels where `mask` is set to True or > 0 will be masked (in addition to previously masked pixels).
Masking is performed in place. The mask must have the same shape as loaded data,
unless the first dimension is 1, then it is ignored.
:param mask: The raster array mask.
# Check that mask is a Numpy array
if not isinstance(mask, (np.ndarray, Mask)):
raise ValueError("mask must be a numpy array or a Mask.")
# Check that new_data has correct shape
if self.is_loaded:
orig_shape = self.data.shape
raise AttributeError("self.data must be loaded first, with e.g. self.load()")
# If the mask is a Mask instance, pass the boolean array
if isinstance(mask, Mask):
mask_arr = mask.data.filled(False)
mask_arr = mask
mask_arr = mask_arr.squeeze()
if mask_arr.shape != orig_shape:
# In case first dimension is more than one (several bands) and other dimensions match
if orig_shape[1:] == mask_arr.shape:
self.data[:, mask_arr > 0] = np.ma.masked
raise ValueError(f"mask must be of the same shape as existing data: {orig_shape}.")
self.data[mask_arr > 0] = np.ma.masked
def info(self, stats: bool = False, *, verbose: Literal[True] = ...) -> None: ...
def info(self, stats: bool = False, *, verbose: Literal[False]) -> str: ...
def info(self, stats: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) -> None | str:
Print summary information about the raster.
:param stats: Add statistics for each band of the dataset (max, min, median, mean, std. dev.). Default is to
not calculate statistics.
:param verbose: If set to True (default) will directly print to screen and return None
:returns: Summary string or None.
as_str = [
f"Driver: {self.driver} \n",
f"Opened from file: {self.filename} \n",
f"Filename: {self.name} \n",
f"Loaded? {self.is_loaded} \n",
f"Modified since load? {self.is_modified} \n",
f"Grid size: {self.width}, {self.height}\n",
f"Number of bands: {self.count:d}\n",
f"Data types: {self.dtype}\n",
f"Coordinate system: {[self.crs.to_string() if self.crs is not None else None]}\n",
f"Nodata value: {self.nodata}\n",
f"Pixel interpretation: {self.area_or_point}\n",
"Pixel size: {}, {}\n".format(*self.res),
"Upper left corner: {}, {}\n".format(*self.bounds[:2]),
"Lower right corner: {}, {}\n".format(*self.bounds[2:]),
if stats:
if not self.is_loaded:
if self.count == 1:
as_str.append(f"[MAXIMUM]: {np.nanmax(self.data):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[MINIMUM]: {np.nanmin(self.data):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[MEDIAN]: {np.ma.median(self.data):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[MEAN]: {np.nanmean(self.data):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[STD DEV]: {np.nanstd(self.data):.2f}\n")
for b in range(self.count):
# try to keep with rasterio convention.
as_str.append(f"Band {b + 1}:\n")
as_str.append(f"[MAXIMUM]: {np.nanmax(self.data[b, :, :]):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[MINIMUM]: {np.nanmin(self.data[b, :, :]):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[MEDIAN]: {np.ma.median(self.data[b, :, :]):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[MEAN]: {np.nanmean(self.data[b, :, :]):.2f}\n")
as_str.append(f"[STD DEV]: {np.nanstd(self.data[b, :, :]):.2f}\n")
if verbose:
return None
return "".join(as_str)
def copy(self: RasterType, new_array: NDArrayNum | None = None, cast_nodata: bool = True) -> RasterType:
Copy the raster in-memory.
:param new_array: New array to use in the copied raster.
:param cast_nodata: Automatically cast nodata value to the default nodata for the new array type if not
compatible. If False, will raise an error when incompatible.
:return: Copy of the raster.
# Define new array
if new_array is not None:
data = new_array
data = self.data.copy()
# Send to from_array
cp = self.from_array(
return cp
def georeferenced_grid_equal(self: RasterType, raster: RasterType) -> bool:
Check that raster shape, geotransform and CRS are equal.
:param raster: Another raster.
:return: Whether the two objects have the same georeferenced grid.
return all([self.shape == raster.shape, self.transform == raster.transform, self.crs == raster.crs])
def get_nanarray(self, return_mask: Literal[False] = False) -> NDArrayNum: ...
def get_nanarray(self, return_mask: Literal[True]) -> tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayBool]: ...
def get_nanarray(self, return_mask: bool = False) -> NDArrayNum | tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayBool]:
Get NaN array from the raster.
Optionally, return the mask from the masked array.
:param return_mask: Whether to return the mask of valid data.
:returns Array with masked data as NaNs, (Optional) Mask of invalid data.
# Cast array to float32 is its dtype is integer (cannot be filled with NaNs otherwise)
if "int" in str(self.data.dtype):
# Get the array with masked value fill with NaNs
nanarray = self.data.astype("float32").filled(fill_value=np.nan).squeeze()
# Same here
nanarray = self.data.filled(fill_value=np.nan).squeeze()
# The function np.ma.filled() only returns a copy if the array is masked, copy the array if it's not the case
if not np.ma.is_masked(self.data):
nanarray = np.copy(nanarray)
# Return the NaN array, and possibly the mask as well
if return_mask:
return nanarray, np.copy(np.ma.getmaskarray(self.data).squeeze())
return nanarray
def get_mask(self) -> NDArrayBool:
Get mask of invalid values from the raster.
If the raster is not loaded, reads only the mask from disk to optimize memory usage.
The mask is always returned as a boolean array, even if there is no mask associated to .data (nomask property
of masked arrays).
:return: The mask of invalid values in the raster.
# If it is loaded, use NumPy's getmaskarray function to deal with False values
if self.is_loaded:
mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(self.data)
# Otherwise, load from Rasterio and deal with the possibility of having a single value "False" mask manually
mask = self._load_only_mask()
if isinstance(mask, np.bool_):
mask = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=bool)
return mask
# This is interfering with __array_ufunc__ and __array_function__, so better to leave out and specify
# behaviour directly in those.
# def __array__(self) -> np.ndarray:
# """Method to cast np.array() or np.asarray() function directly on Raster classes."""
# return self._data
def __array_ufunc__(
ufunc: Callable[[NDArrayNum | tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum]], NDArrayNum | tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum]],
method: str,
*inputs: Raster | tuple[Raster, Raster] | tuple[NDArrayNum, Raster] | tuple[Raster, NDArrayNum],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Raster | tuple[Raster, Raster]:
Method to cast NumPy universal functions directly on Raster classes, by passing to the masked array.
This function basically applies the ufunc (with its method and kwargs) to .data, and rebuilds the Raster from
self.__class__. The cases separate the number of input nin and output nout, to properly feed .data and return
Raster objects.
See more details in NumPy doc, e.g., https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/basics.dispatch.html#basics-dispatch.
# In addition to running ufuncs, this function takes over arithmetic operations (__add__, __multiply__, etc...)
# when the first input provided is a NumPy array and second input a Raster.
# The Raster ufuncs behave exactly as arithmetic operations (+, *, .) of NumPy masked array (call np.ma instead
# of np when available). There is an inconsistency when calling np.ma: operations return a full boolean mask
# even when there is no invalid value (true_divide and floor_divide).
# We find one exception, however, for modulo: np.ma.remainder is not called but np.remainder instead one the
# masked array is the second input (an inconsistency in NumPy!), so we mirror this exception below:
if "remainder" in ufunc.__name__:
final_ufunc = getattr(ufunc, method)
final_ufunc = getattr(getattr(np.ma, ufunc.__name__), method)
except AttributeError:
final_ufunc = getattr(ufunc, method)
# If the universal function takes only one input
if ufunc.nin == 1:
# If the universal function has only one output
if ufunc.nout == 1:
return self.copy(new_array=final_ufunc(inputs[0].data, **kwargs)) # type: ignore
# If the universal function has two outputs (Note: no ufunc exists that has three outputs or more)
output = final_ufunc(inputs[0].data, **kwargs) # type: ignore
return self.copy(new_array=output[0]), self.copy(new_array=output[1])
# If the universal function takes two inputs (Note: no ufunc exists that has three inputs or more)
# Check the casting between Raster and array inputs, and return error messages if not consistent
# TODO: Use nodata value derived here after fixing issue #517
if isinstance(inputs[0], Raster):
raster = inputs[0]
other = inputs[1]
raster = inputs[1] # type: ignore
other = inputs[0]
nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(raster, other, "an arithmetic operation")[-2:] # type: ignore
if ufunc.nout == 1:
return self.from_array(
data=final_ufunc(inputs[0].data, inputs[1].data, **kwargs), # type: ignore
# If the universal function has two outputs (Note: no ufunc exists that has three outputs or more)
output = final_ufunc(inputs[0].data, inputs[1].data, **kwargs) # type: ignore
return self.from_array(
), self.from_array(
data=output[1], transform=self.transform, crs=self.crs, nodata=self.nodata, area_or_point=aop
def __array_function__(
self, func: Callable[[NDArrayNum, Any], Any], types: tuple[type], args: Any, kwargs: Any
) -> Any:
Method to cast NumPy array function directly on a Raster object by applying it to the masked array.
A limited number of function is supported, listed in raster.handled_array_funcs.
# If function is not implemented
return NotImplemented
# For subclassing
if not all(issubclass(t, self.__class__) for t in types):
return NotImplemented
# We now choose the behaviour of array functions
# For median, np.median ignores masks of masked array, so we force np.ma.median
if func.__name__ in ["median", "nanmedian"]:
func = np.ma.median
first_arg = args[0].data
# For percentiles and quantiles, there exist no masked array version, so we compute on the valid data directly
elif func.__name__ in ["percentile", "nanpercentile"]:
first_arg = args[0].data.compressed()
elif func.__name__ in ["quantile", "nanquantile"]:
first_arg = args[0].data.compressed()
elif func.__name__ in ["gradient"]:
if self.count == 1:
first_arg = args[0].data
warnings.warn("Applying np.gradient to first raster band only.")
first_arg = args[0].data[0, :, :]
# Otherwise, we run the numpy function normally (most take masks into account)
first_arg = args[0].data
# Separate one and two input functions
cast_required = False
aop = None # The None value is never used (aop only used when cast_required = True)
if func.__name__ in _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS_1NIN:
outputs = func(first_arg, *args[1:], **kwargs) # type: ignore
# Two input functions require casting
# Check the casting between Raster and array inputs, and return error messages if not consistent
# TODO: Use nodata below, but after fixing issue #517
if isinstance(args[0], Raster):
raster = args[0]
other = args[1]
raster = args[1]
other = args[0]
nodata, aop = _cast_numeric_array_raster(raster, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation")[-2:]
cast_required = True
second_arg = args[1].data
outputs = func(first_arg, second_arg, *args[2:], **kwargs) # type: ignore
# Below, we recast to Raster if the shape was preserved, otherwise return an array
# First, if there are several outputs in a tuple which are arrays
if isinstance(outputs, tuple) and isinstance(outputs[0], np.ndarray):
if all(output.shape == args[0].data.shape for output in outputs):
# If casting was not necessary, copy all attributes except array
# Otherwise update array, nodata and
if cast_required:
return (
data=output, transform=self.transform, crs=self.crs, nodata=self.nodata, area_or_point=aop
for output in outputs
return (self.copy(new_array=output) for output in outputs)
return outputs
# Second, if there is a single output which is an array
elif isinstance(outputs, np.ndarray):
if outputs.shape == args[0].data.shape:
# If casting was not necessary, copy all attributes except array
if cast_required:
return self.from_array(
data=outputs, transform=self.transform, crs=self.crs, nodata=self.nodata, area_or_point=aop
return self.copy(new_array=outputs)
return outputs
# Else, return outputs directly
return outputs
# Note the star is needed because of the default argument 'mode' preceding non default arg 'inplace'
# Then the final overload must be duplicated
# Also note that in the first overload, only "inplace: Literal[False]" does not work. The ellipsis is
# essential, otherwise MyPy gives incompatible return type Optional[Raster].
def crop(
self: RasterType,
crop_geom: RasterType | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: Literal[False] = False,
) -> RasterType: ...
def crop(
self: RasterType,
crop_geom: RasterType | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: Literal[True],
) -> None: ...
def crop(
self: RasterType,
crop_geom: RasterType | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: bool = False,
) -> RasterType | None: ...
def crop(
self: RasterType,
crop_geom: RasterType | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: bool = False,
) -> RasterType | None:
Crop the raster to a given extent.
**Match-reference:** a reference raster or vector can be passed to match bounds during cropping.
Reprojection is done on the fly if georeferenced objects have different projections.
:param crop_geom: Geometry to crop raster to. Can use either a raster or vector as match-reference, or a list of
coordinates. If ``crop_geom`` is a raster or vector, will crop to the bounds. If ``crop_geom`` is a
list of coordinates, the order is assumed to be [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax].
:param mode: Whether to match within pixels or exact extent. ``'match_pixel'`` will preserve the original pixel
resolution, cropping to the extent that most closely aligns with the current coordinates. ``'match_extent'``
will match the extent exactly, adjusting the pixel resolution to fit the extent.
:param inplace: Whether to update the raster in-place.
:returns: A new raster (or None if inplace).
crop_img, tfm = _crop(source_raster=self, crop_geom=crop_geom, mode=mode)
if inplace:
self._data = crop_img
self.transform = tfm
return None
newraster = self.from_array(crop_img, tfm, self.crs, self.nodata, self.area_or_point)
return newraster
def reproject(
self: RasterType,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.bilinear,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: Literal[False] = False,
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> RasterType: ...
def reproject(
self: RasterType,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.bilinear,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: Literal[True],
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> None: ...
def reproject(
self: RasterType,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.bilinear,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: bool = False,
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> RasterType | None: ...
def reproject(
self: RasterType,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.bilinear,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: bool = False,
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> RasterType | None:
Reproject raster to a different geotransform (resolution, bounds) and/or coordinate reference system (CRS).
**Match-reference**: a reference raster can be passed to match resolution, bounds and CRS during reprojection.
Alternatively, the destination resolution, bounds and CRS can be passed individually.
Any resampling algorithm implemented in Rasterio can be passed as a string.
:param ref: Reference raster to match resolution, bounds and CRS.
:param crs: Destination coordinate reference system as a string or EPSG. If ``ref`` not set,
defaults to this raster's CRS.
:param res: Destination resolution (pixel size) in units of destination CRS. Single value or (xres, yres).
Do not use with ``grid_size``.
:param grid_size: Destination grid size as (x, y). Do not use with ``res``.
:param bounds: Destination bounds as a Rasterio bounding box, or a dictionary containing left, bottom,
right, top bounds in the destination CRS.
:param nodata: Destination nodata value. If set to ``None``, will use the same as source. If source does
not exist, will use GDAL's default.
:param dtype: Destination data type of array.
:param resampling: A Rasterio resampling method, can be passed as a string.
See https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/rasterio.enums.html#rasterio.enums.Resampling
for the full list.
:param inplace: Whether to update the raster in-place.
:param force_source_nodata: Force a source nodata value (read from the metadata by default).
:param silent: Whether to print warning statements.
:param n_threads: Number of threads. Defaults to (os.cpu_count() - 1).
:param memory_limit: Memory limit in MB for warp operations. Larger values may perform better.
:returns: Reprojected raster (or None if inplace).
# Reproject
return_copy, data, transformed, crs, nodata = _reproject(
# If return copy is True (target georeferenced grid was the same as input)
if return_copy:
if inplace:
return None
return self
# To make MyPy happy without overload for _reproject (as it might re-structured soon anyway)
assert data is not None
assert transformed is not None
assert crs is not None
# Write results to a new Raster.
if inplace:
# Order is important here, because calling self.data will use nodata to mask the array properly
self._crs = crs
self._nodata = nodata
self._transform = transformed
# A little trick to force the right shape of data in, then update the mask properly through the data setter
self._data = data.squeeze()
self.data = data
return None
return self.from_array(data, transformed, crs, nodata, self.area_or_point)
def translate(
self: RasterType,
xoff: float,
yoff: float,
distance_unit: Literal["georeferenced"] | Literal["pixel"] = "georeferenced",
inplace: Literal[False] = False,
) -> RasterType: ...
def translate(
self: RasterType,
xoff: float,
yoff: float,
distance_unit: Literal["georeferenced"] | Literal["pixel"] = "georeferenced",
inplace: Literal[True],
) -> None: ...
def translate(
self: RasterType,
xoff: float,
yoff: float,
distance_unit: Literal["georeferenced"] | Literal["pixel"] = "georeferenced",
inplace: bool = False,
) -> RasterType | None: ...
def translate(
self: RasterType,
xoff: float,
yoff: float,
distance_unit: Literal["georeferenced", "pixel"] = "georeferenced",
inplace: bool = False,
) -> RasterType | None:
Translate a raster by a (x,y) offset.
The translation only updates the geotransform (no resampling is performed).
:param xoff: Translation x offset.
:param yoff: Translation y offset.
:param distance_unit: Distance unit, either 'georeferenced' (default) or 'pixel'.
:param inplace: Whether to modify the raster in-place.
:returns: Translated raster (or None if inplace).
translated_transform = _translate(self.transform, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, distance_unit=distance_unit)
if inplace:
# Overwrite transform by translated transform
self.transform = translated_transform
return None
raster_copy = self.copy()
raster_copy.transform = translated_transform
return raster_copy
def save(
filename: str | pathlib.Path | IO[bytes],
driver: str = "GTiff",
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
nodata: Number | None = None,
compress: str = "deflate",
tiled: bool = False,
blank_value: int | float | None = None,
co_opts: dict[str, str] | None = None,
metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
gcps: list[tuple[float, ...]] | None = None,
gcps_crs: CRS | None = None,
) -> None:
Write the raster to file.
If blank_value is set to an integer or float, then instead of writing
the contents of self.data to disk, write this provided value to every
pixel instead.
:param filename: Filename to write the file to.
:param driver: Driver to write file with.
:param dtype: Data type to write the image as (defaults to dtype of image data).
:param nodata: Force a nodata value to be used (default to that of raster).
:param compress: Compression type. Defaults to 'deflate' (equal to GDALs: COMPRESS=DEFLATE).
:param tiled: Whether to write blocks in tiles instead of strips. Improves read performance on large files,
but increases file size.
:param blank_value: Use to write an image out with every pixel's value.
corresponding to this value, instead of writing the image data to disk.
:param co_opts: GDAL creation options provided as a dictionary,
e.g. {'TILED':'YES', 'COMPRESS':'LZW'}.
:param metadata: Pairs of metadata to save to disk, in addition to existing metadata in self.tags.
:param gcps: List of gcps, each gcp being [row, col, x, y, (z)].
:param gcps_crs: CRS of the GCPS.
:returns: None.
if co_opts is None:
co_opts = {}
meta = self.tags if not None else {}
if metadata is not None:
if gcps is None:
gcps = []
# Use nodata set by user, otherwise default to self's
nodata = nodata if nodata is not None else self.nodata
# Declare type of save_data to work in all occurrences
save_data: NDArrayNum
# Define save_data depending on blank_value argument
if (self.data is None) & (blank_value is None):
raise AttributeError("No data loaded, and alternative blank_value not set.")
elif blank_value is not None:
if isinstance(blank_value, int) | isinstance(blank_value, float):
save_data = np.zeros(self.data.shape)
save_data[:] = blank_value
raise ValueError("blank_values must be one of int, float (or None).")
save_data = self.data
# If the raster is a mask, convert to uint8 before saving and force nodata to 255
if self.data.dtype == bool:
save_data = save_data.astype("uint8")
nodata = 255
# If masked array, save with masked values replaced by nodata
if isinstance(save_data, np.ma.masked_array):
# In this case, nodata=None is not compatible, so revert to default values, only if masked values exist
if (nodata is None) & (np.count_nonzero(save_data.mask) > 0):
nodata = _default_nodata(save_data.dtype)
warnings.warn(f"No nodata set, will use default value of {nodata}")
save_data = save_data.filled(nodata)
# Cast to 3D before saving if single band
if self.count == 1:
save_data = save_data[np.newaxis, :, :]
with rio.open(
) as dst:
# Add metadata (tags in rio)
# Save GCPs
if not isinstance(gcps, list):
raise ValueError("gcps must be a list")
if len(gcps) > 0:
rio_gcps = []
for gcp in gcps:
# Warning: this will overwrite the transform
if dst.transform != rio.transform.Affine(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0):
warnings.warn("A geotransform previously set is going to be cleared due to the setting of GCPs.")
dst.gcps = (rio_gcps, gcps_crs)
def from_xarray(cls: type[RasterType], ds: xr.DataArray, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None) -> RasterType:
Create raster from a xarray.DataArray.
This conversion loads the xarray.DataArray in memory. Use functions of the Xarray accessor directly
to avoid this behaviour.
:param ds: Data array.
:param dtype: Cast the array to a certain dtype.
:return: Raster.
# Define main attributes
crs = ds.rio.crs
transform = ds.rio.transform(recalc=True)
nodata = ds.rio.nodata
# TODO: Add tags and area_or_point with PR #509
raster = cls.from_array(data=ds.data, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=nodata)
if dtype is not None:
raster = raster.astype(dtype)
return raster
def to_xarray(self, name: str | None = None) -> xr.DataArray:
Convert raster to a xarray.DataArray.
This converts integer-type rasters into float32.
:param name: Name attribute for the data array.
:returns: Data array.
# If type was integer, cast to float to be able to save nodata values in the xarray data array
if np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.integer):
# Nodata conversion is not needed in this direction (integer towards float), we can maintain the original
updated_raster = self.astype(np.float32, convert_nodata=False)
updated_raster = self
ds = rioxarray.open_rasterio(updated_raster.to_rio_dataset(), masked=True)
# When reading as masked, the nodata is not written to the dataset so we do it manually
if name is not None:
ds.name = name
return ds
def get_bounds_projected(self, out_crs: CRS, densify_points: int = 5000) -> rio.coords.BoundingBox:
Get raster bounds projected in a specified CRS.
:param out_crs: Output CRS.
:param densify_points: Maximum points to be added between image corners to account for non linear edges.
Reduce if time computation is really critical (ms) or increase if extent is not accurate enough.
# Max points to be added between image corners to account for non linear edges
# rasterio's default is a bit low for very large images
# instead, use image dimensions, with a maximum of 50000
densify_points = min(max(self.width, self.height), densify_points)
# Calculate new bounds
new_bounds = _get_bounds_projected(self.bounds, in_crs=self.crs, out_crs=out_crs, densify_points=densify_points)
return new_bounds
def get_metric_crs(
local_crs_type: Literal["universal"] | Literal["custom"] = "universal",
method: Literal["centroid"] | Literal["geopandas"] = "centroid",
) -> CRS:
Get local metric coordinate reference system for the raster (UTM, UPS, or custom Mercator or Polar).
:param local_crs_type: Whether to get a "universal" local CRS (UTM or UPS) or a "custom" local CRS
(Mercator or Polar centered on centroid).
:param method: Method to choose the zone of the CRS, either based on the centroid of the footprint
or the extent as implemented in :func:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame.estimate_utm_crs`.
Forced to centroid if `local_crs="custom"`.
# For universal CRS (UTM or UPS)
if local_crs_type == "universal":
return _get_utm_ups_crs(self.get_footprint_projected(out_crs=self.crs).ds, method=method)
# For a custom CRS
raise NotImplementedError("This is not implemented yet.")
def intersection(self, raster: str | Raster, match_ref: bool = True) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
Returns the bounding box of intersection between this image and another.
If the rasters have different projections, the intersection extent is given in self's projection system.
:param rst : path to the second image (or another Raster instance)
:param match_ref: if set to True, returns the smallest intersection that aligns with that of self, i.e. same \
resolution and offset with self's origin is a multiple of the resolution
:returns: extent of the intersection between the 2 images \
(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) in self's coordinate system.
from geoutils import projtools
# If input raster is string, open as Raster
if isinstance(raster, str):
raster = Raster(raster, load_data=False)
# Reproject the bounds of raster to self's
raster_bounds_sameproj = raster.get_bounds_projected(self.crs)
# Calculate intersection of bounding boxes
intersection = projtools.merge_bounds([self.bounds, raster_bounds_sameproj], merging_algorithm="intersection")
# Check that intersection is not void (changed to NaN instead of empty tuple end 2022)
if intersection == () or all(math.isnan(i) for i in intersection):
warnings.warn("Intersection is void")
return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# if required, ensure the intersection is aligned with self's georeferences
if match_ref:
intersection = projtools.align_bounds(self.transform, intersection)
# mypy raises a type issue, not sure how to address the fact that output of merge_bounds can be ()
return intersection # type: ignore
def plot(
bands: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None,
cmap: matplotlib.colors.Colormap | str | None = None,
vmin: float | int | None = None,
vmax: float | int | None = None,
alpha: float | int | None = None,
cbar_title: str | None = None,
add_cbar: bool = True,
ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | Literal["new"] | None = None,
return_axes: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None | tuple[matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.colors.Colormap]:
Plot the raster, with axes in projection of image.
This method is a wrapper to rasterio.plot.show. Any \*\*kwargs which
you give this method will be passed to it.
:param bands: Bands to plot, from 1 to self.count (default is all).
:param cmap: The figure's colormap. Default is plt.rcParams['image.cmap'].
:param vmin: Colorbar minimum value. Default is data min.
:param vmax: Colorbar maximum value. Default is data max.
:param alpha: Transparency of raster and colorbar.
:param cbar_title: Colorbar label. Default is None.
:param add_cbar: Set to True to display a colorbar. Default is True.
:param ax: A figure ax to be used for plotting. If None, will plot on current axes.
If "new", will create a new axis.
:param return_axes: Whether to return axes.
:returns: None, or (ax, caxes) if return_axes is True.
You can also pass in \*\*kwargs to be used by the underlying imshow or
contour methods of matplotlib. The example below shows provision of
a kwarg for rasterio.plot.show, and a kwarg for matplotlib as well::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
mpl_kws = {'cmap':'seismic'}
myimage.plot(ax=ax1, mpl_kws)
# If data is not loaded, need to load it
if not self.is_loaded:
# Set matplotlib interpolation to None by default, to avoid spreading gaps in plots
if "interpolation" not in kwargs.keys():
kwargs.update({"interpolation": "None"})
# Check if specific band selected, or take all
# rshow takes care of image dimensions
# if self.count=3 (4) => plotted as RGB(A)
if bands is None:
bands = tuple(range(1, self.count + 1))
elif isinstance(bands, int):
if bands > self.count:
raise ValueError(f"Index must be in range 1-{self.count:d}")
raise ValueError("Index must be int or None")
# Get data
if self.count == 1:
data = self.data
data = self.data[np.array(bands) - 1, :, :]
# If multiple bands (RGB), cbar does not make sense
if isinstance(bands, abc.Sequence):
if len(bands) > 1:
add_cbar = False
# Create colorbar
# Use rcParam default
if cmap is None:
cmap = plt.get_cmap(plt.rcParams["image.cmap"])
elif isinstance(cmap, str):
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
elif isinstance(cmap, matplotlib.colors.Colormap):
# Set colorbar min/max values (needed for ScalarMappable)
if vmin is None:
vmin = float(np.nanmin(data))
if vmax is None:
vmax = float(np.nanmax(data))
# Make sure they are numbers, to avoid mpl error
vmin = float(vmin)
vmax = float(vmax)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("vmin or vmax cannot be converted to float")
# Create axes
if ax is None:
ax0 = plt.gca()
elif isinstance(ax, str) and ax.lower() == "new":
_, ax0 = plt.subplots()
elif isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes):
ax0 = ax
raise ValueError("ax must be a matplotlib.axes.Axes instance, 'new' or None.")
# Use data array directly, as rshow on self.ds will re-load data
# Add colorbar
if add_cbar:
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax0)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad="2%")
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
cbar = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
if cbar_title is not None:
cbar = None
# If returning axes
if return_axes:
return ax0, cax
return None
def reduce_points(
points: tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike],
reducer_function: Callable[[NDArrayNum], float] = np.ma.mean,
window: int | None = None,
input_latlon: bool = False,
band: int | None = None,
masked: bool = False,
return_window: bool = False,
boundless: bool = True,
) -> Any:
Reduce raster values around point coordinates.
By default, samples pixel value of each band. Can be passed a band index to sample from.
Uses Rasterio's windowed reading to keep memory usage low (for a raster not loaded).
:param points: Point(s) at which to interpolate raster value (tuple of X/Y array-likes). If points fall
outside of image, value returned is nan.
:param reducer_function: Reducer function to apply to the values in window (defaults to np.mean).
:param window: Window size to read around coordinates. Must be odd.
:param input_latlon: Whether the input is in latlon, unregarding of Raster CRS
:param band: Band number to extract from (from 1 to self.count).
:param masked: Whether to return a masked array, or classic array.
:param return_window: Whether to return the windows (in addition to the reduced value).
:param boundless: Whether to allow windows that extend beyond the extent.
:returns: When called on a raster or with a specific band set, return value of pixel.
:returns: If multiple band raster and the band is not specified, a
dictionary containing the value of the pixel in each band.
:returns: In addition, if return_window=True, return tuple of (values, arrays)
>>> self.value_at_coords(-48.125, 67.8901, window=3) # doctest: +SKIP
Returns mean of a 3*3 window:
v v v \
v c v | = float(mean)
v v v /
(c = provided coordinate, v= value of surrounding coordinate)
x, y = points
# Check for array-like inputs
if (
not isinstance(x, (float, np.floating, int, np.integer))
and isinstance(y, (float, np.floating, int, np.integer))
or isinstance(x, (float, np.floating, int, np.integer))
and not isinstance(y, (float, np.floating, int, np.integer))
raise TypeError("Coordinates must be both numbers or both array-like.")
# If for a single value, wrap in a list
if isinstance(x, (float, np.floating, int, np.integer)):
x = [x] # type: ignore
y = [y] # type: ignore
# For the end of the function
unwrap = True
unwrap = False
# Check that array-like objects are the same length
if len(x) != len(y): # type: ignore
raise ValueError("Coordinates must be of the same length.")
# Check window parameter
if window is not None:
if not float(window).is_integer():
raise ValueError("Window must be a whole number.")
if window % 2 != 1:
raise ValueError("Window must be an odd number.")
window = int(window)
# Define subfunction for reducing the window array
def format_value(value: Any) -> Any:
"""Check if valid value has been extracted"""
if type(value) in [np.ndarray, np.ma.core.MaskedArray]:
if window is not None:
value = reducer_function(value.flatten())
value = value[0, 0]
value = None
return value
# Initiate output lists
list_values = []
if return_window:
list_windows = []
# Convert to latlon if asked
if input_latlon:
x, y = reproject_from_latlon((y, x), self.crs) # type: ignore
# Convert coordinates to pixel space
rows, cols = rio.transform.rowcol(self.transform, x, y, op=floor)
# Loop over all coordinates passed
for k in range(len(rows)): # type: ignore
value: float | dict[int, float] | tuple[float | dict[int, float] | tuple[list[float], NDArrayNum] | Any]
row = rows[k] # type: ignore
col = cols[k] # type: ignore
# Decide what pixel coordinates to read:
if window is not None:
half_win = (window - 1) / 2
# Subtract start coordinates back to top left of window
col = col - half_win
row = row - half_win
# Offset to read to == window
width = window
height = window
# Start reading at col,row and read 1px each way
width = 1
height = 1
# Make sure coordinates are int
col = int(col)
row = int(row)
# Create rasterio's window for reading
rio_window = rio.windows.Window(col, row, width, height)
if self.is_loaded:
if self.count == 1:
data = self.data[row : row + height, col : col + width]
data = self.data[slice(None) if band is None else band - 1, row : row + height, col : col + width]
if not masked:
data = data.astype(np.float32).filled(np.nan)
value = format_value(data)
win: NDArrayNum | dict[int, NDArrayNum] = data
# TODO: if we want to allow sampling multiple bands, need to do it also when data is loaded
# if self.count == 1:
with rio.open(self.filename) as raster:
data = raster.read(
value = format_value(data)
win = data
# else:
# value = {}
# win = {}
# with rio.open(self.filename) as raster:
# for b in self.indexes:
# data = raster.read(
# window=rio_window, fill_value=self.nodata, boundless=boundless,
# masked=masked, indexes=b
# )
# val = format_value(data)
# value[b] = val
# win[b] = data # type: ignore
if return_window:
# If for a single value, unwrap output list
if unwrap:
output_val = list_values[0]
if return_window:
output_win = list_windows[0]
output_val = np.array(list_values) # type: ignore
if return_window:
output_win = list_windows # type: ignore
if return_window:
return (output_val, output_win)
return output_val
def xy2ij(
x: ArrayLike,
y: ArrayLike,
op: type = np.float32,
precision: float | None = None,
shift_area_or_point: bool | None = None,
) -> tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum]:
Get indexes (row,column) of coordinates (x,y).
By default, the indexes are shifted with the interpretation of pixel coordinates "AREA_OR_POINT" of the raster,
to ensure that the indexes of points represent the right location. See parameter description of
shift_area_or_point for more details.
This function is reversible with ij2xy for any pixel interpretation.
:param x: X coordinates.
:param y: Y coordinates.
:param op: Operator to compute index.
:param precision: Precision passed to :func:`rasterio.transform.rowcol`.
:param shift_area_or_point: Whether to shift with pixel interpretation, which shifts to center of pixel
indexes if self.area_or_point is "Point" and maintains corner pixel indexes if it is "Area" or None.
Defaults to True. Can be configured with the global setting geoutils.config["shift_area_or_point"].
:returns i, j: Indices of (x,y) in the image.
return _xy2ij(
def ij2xy(
self, i: ArrayLike, j: ArrayLike, shift_area_or_point: bool | None = None, force_offset: str | None = None
) -> tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum]:
Get coordinates (x,y) of indexes (row,column).
By default, the indexes are shifted with the interpretation of pixel coordinates "AREA_OR_POINT" of the
raster, to ensure that the indexes of points represent the right location. See parameter description of
shift_area_or_point for more details.
This function is reversible with xy2ij for any pixel interpretation.
:param i: Row (i) index of pixel.
:param j: Column (j) index of pixel.
:param shift_area_or_point: Whether to shift with pixel interpretation, which shifts to center of pixel
coordinates if self.area_or_point is "Point" and maintains corner pixel coordinate if it is "Area" or None.
Defaults to True. Can be configured with the global setting geoutils.config["shift_area_or_point"].
:param force_offset: Ignore pixel interpretation and force coordinate to a certain offset: "center" of pixel, or
any corner (upper-left "ul", "ur", "ll", lr"). Default coordinate of a raster is upper-left.
:returns x, y: x,y coordinates of i,j in reference system.
return _ij2xy(
def coords(
self, grid: bool = True, shift_area_or_point: bool | None = None, force_offset: str | None = None
) -> tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum]:
Get coordinates (x,y) of all pixels in the raster.
:param grid: Whether to return mesh grids of coordinates matrices.
:param shift_area_or_point: Whether to shift with pixel interpretation, which shifts to center of pixel
coordinates if self.area_or_point is "Point" and maintains corner pixel coordinate if it is "Area" or None.
Defaults to True. Can be configured with the global setting geoutils.config["shift_area_or_point"].
:param force_offset: Ignore pixel interpretation and force coordinate to a certain offset: "center" of pixel, or
any corner (upper-left "ul", "ur", "ll", lr"). Default coordinate of a raster is upper-left.
:returns x,y: Arrays of the (x,y) coordinates.
return _coords(
def outside_image(self, xi: ArrayLike, yj: ArrayLike, index: bool = True) -> bool:
Check whether a given point falls outside the raster.
:param xi: Indices (or coordinates) of x direction to check.
:param yj: Indices (or coordinates) of y direction to check.
:param index: Interpret ij as raster indices (default is ``True``). If False, assumes ij is coordinates.
:returns is_outside: ``True`` if ij is outside the image.
return _outside_image(
xi=xi, yj=yj, transform=self.transform, shape=self.shape, area_or_point=self.area_or_point, index=index
def interp_points(
points: tuple[Number, Number] | tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum],
method: Literal["nearest", "linear", "cubic", "quintic", "slinear", "pchip", "splinef2d"] = "linear",
dist_nodata_spread: Literal["half_order_up", "half_order_down"] | int = "half_order_up",
band: int = 1,
input_latlon: bool = False,
shift_area_or_point: bool | None = None,
force_scipy_function: Literal["map_coordinates", "interpn"] | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> NDArrayNum:
Interpolate raster values at a set of points.
Uses scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates if the Raster is on an equal grid using "nearest" or "linear" (for speed),
otherwise uses scipy.interpn on a regular grid.
Optionally, user can enforce the interpretation of pixel coordinates in self.tags['AREA_OR_POINT']
to ensure that the interpolation of points is done at the right location. See parameter description
of shift_area_or_point for more details.
:param points: Point(s) at which to interpolate raster value (tuple of X/Y array-likes). If points fall
outside of image, value returned is nan.
:param method: Interpolation method, one of 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', 'slinear', 'pchip' or
'splinef2d'. For more information, see scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates and scipy.interpolate.interpn.
Default is linear.
:param dist_nodata_spread: Distance of nodata spreading during interpolation, either half-interpolation order
rounded up (default; equivalent to 0 for nearest, 1 for linear methods, 2 for cubic methods and 3 for
quintic method), or rounded down, or a fixed integer.
:param band: Band to use (from 1 to self.count).
:param input_latlon: Whether the input is in latlon, unregarding of Raster CRS.
:param shift_area_or_point: Whether to shift with pixel interpretation, which shifts to center of pixel
coordinates if self.area_or_point is "Point" and maintains corner pixel coordinate if it is "Area" or None.
Defaults to True. Can be configured with the global setting geoutils.config["shift_area_or_point"].
:param force_scipy_function: Force to use either map_coordinates or interpn. Mainly for testing purposes.
:returns rpoints: Array of raster value(s) for the given points.
# Extract array supporting NaNs
array = self.get_nanarray()
if self.count != 1:
array = array[band - 1, :, :]
# If those are in latlon, convert to Raster CRS
if input_latlon:
points = reproject_from_latlon(points, out_crs=self.crs) # type: ignore
return _interp_points(
def split_bands(self: RasterType, copy: bool = False, bands: list[int] | int | None = None) -> list[Raster]:
Split the bands into separate rasters.
:param copy: Copy the bands or return slices of the original data.
:param bands: Optional. A list of band indices to extract (from 1 to self.count). Defaults to all.
:returns: A list of Rasters for each band.
raster_bands: list[Raster] = []
if bands is None:
indices = list(np.arange(1, self.count + 1))
elif isinstance(bands, int):
indices = [bands]
elif isinstance(bands, list):
indices = bands
raise ValueError(f"'subset' got invalid type: {type(bands)}. Expected list[int], int or None")
if copy:
for band_n in indices:
# Generate a new Raster from a copy of the band's data
self.data[band_n - 1, :, :].copy(),
for band_n in indices:
# Set the data to a slice of the original array
self.data[band_n - 1, :, :],
return raster_bands
"Raster.to_points() is deprecated in favor of Raster.to_pointcloud() and " "will be removed in v0.3.",
def to_points(self, **kwargs): # type: ignore
self.to_pointcloud(**kwargs) # type: ignore
def to_pointcloud(
data_column_name: str = "b1",
data_band: int = 1,
auxiliary_data_bands: list[int] | None = None,
auxiliary_column_names: list[str] | None = None,
subsample: float | int = 1,
skip_nodata: bool = True,
as_array: Literal[False] = False,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
force_pixel_offset: Literal["center", "ul", "ur", "ll", "lr"] = "ul",
) -> NDArrayNum: ...
def to_pointcloud(
data_column_name: str = "b1",
data_band: int = 1,
auxiliary_data_bands: list[int] | None = None,
auxiliary_column_names: list[str] | None = None,
subsample: float | int = 1,
skip_nodata: bool = True,
as_array: Literal[True],
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
force_pixel_offset: Literal["center", "ul", "ur", "ll", "lr"] = "ul",
) -> Vector: ...
def to_pointcloud(
data_column_name: str = "b1",
data_band: int = 1,
auxiliary_data_bands: list[int] | None = None,
auxiliary_column_names: list[str] | None = None,
subsample: float | int = 1,
skip_nodata: bool = True,
as_array: bool = False,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
force_pixel_offset: Literal["center", "ul", "ur", "ll", "lr"] = "ul",
) -> NDArrayNum | Vector: ...
def to_pointcloud(
data_column_name: str = "b1",
data_band: int = 1,
auxiliary_data_bands: list[int] | None = None,
auxiliary_column_names: list[str] | None = None,
subsample: float | int = 1,
skip_nodata: bool = True,
as_array: bool = False,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
force_pixel_offset: Literal["center", "ul", "ur", "ll", "lr"] = "ul",
) -> NDArrayNum | Vector:
Convert raster to point cloud.
A point cloud is a vector of point geometries associated to a data column, and possibly other auxiliary data
columns, see geoutils.PointCloud.
For a single band raster, the main data column name of the point cloud defaults to "b1" and stores values of
that single band.
For a multi-band raster, the main data column name of the point cloud defaults to "bX" where X is the data band
index chosen by the user (defaults to 1, the first band).
Optionally, all other bands can also be stored in columns "b1", "b2", etc. For more specific band selection,
use Raster.split_bands previous to converting to point cloud.
Optionally, randomly subsample valid pixels for the data band (nodata values can be skipped, but only for the
band that will be used as data column of the point cloud).
If 'subsample' is either 1, or is equal to the pixel count, all (valid) points are returned.
If 'subsample' is smaller than 1 (for fractions), or smaller than the pixel count, a random subsample
of (valid) points is returned.
If the raster is not loaded, sampling will be done from disk using rasterio.sample after loading only the masks
of the dataset.
* `as_array` == False: A vector with dataframe columns ["b1", "b2", ..., "geometry"],
* `as_array` == True: A numpy ndarray of shape (N, 2 + count) with the columns [x, y, b1, b2..].
:param data_column_name: Name to use for point cloud data column, defaults to "bX" where X is the data band
:param data_band: (Only for multi-band rasters) Band to use for data column, defaults to first. Band counting
starts at 1.
:param auxiliary_data_bands: (Only for multi-band rasters) Whether to save other band numbers as auxiliary data
columns, defaults to none.
:param auxiliary_column_names: (Only for multi-band rasters) Names to use for auxiliary data bands, only if
auxiliary data bands is not none, defaults to "b1", "b2", etc.
:param subsample: Subsample size. If > 1, parsed as a count, otherwise a fraction.
:param skip_nodata: Whether to skip nodata values.
:param as_array: Return an array instead of a vector.
:param random_state: Random state or seed number.
:param force_pixel_offset: Force offset to derive point coordinate with. Raster coordinates normally only
associate to upper-left corner "ul" ("Area" definition) or center ("Point" definition).
:raises ValueError: If the sample count or fraction is poorly formatted.
:returns: A point cloud, or array of the shape (N, 2 + count) where N is the sample count.
return _raster_to_pointcloud(
def from_pointcloud_regular(
cls: type[RasterType],
pointcloud: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
grid_coords: tuple[NDArrayNum, NDArrayNum] = None,
transform: rio.transform.Affine = None,
shape: tuple[int, int] = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
data_column_name: str = "b1",
area_or_point: Literal["Area", "Point"] = "Point",
) -> RasterType:
Create a raster from a point cloud with coordinates on a regular grid.
To inform on what grid to create the raster, either pass a tuple of X/Y grid coordinates, or the expected
transform and shape. All point cloud coordinates must fall exactly at one of the coordinates of this grid.
:param pointcloud: Point cloud.
:param grid_coords: Regular coordinate vectors for the raster, from which the geotransform and shape are
:param transform: Geotransform of the raster.
:param shape: Shape of the raster.
:param nodata: Nodata value of the raster.
:param data_column_name: Name to use for point cloud data column, defaults to "bX" where X is the data band
:param area_or_point: Whether to set the pixel interpretation of the raster to "Area" or "Point".
arr, transform, crs, nodata, aop = _regular_pointcloud_to_raster(
return cls.from_array(data=arr, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=nodata, area_or_point=area_or_point)
def polygonize(
target_values: Number | tuple[Number, Number] | list[Number] | NDArrayNum | Literal["all"] = "all",
data_column_name: str = "id",
) -> Vector:
Polygonize the raster into a vector.
:param target_values: Value or range of values of the raster from which to
create geometries (defaults to "all", for which all unique pixel values of the raster are used).
:param data_column_name: Data column name to be associated with target values in the output vector
(defaults to "id").
:returns: Vector containing the polygonized geometries associated to target values.
return _polygonize(source_raster=self, target_values=target_values, data_column_name=data_column_name)
def proximity(
vector: Vector | None = None,
target_values: list[float] | None = None,
geometry_type: str = "boundary",
in_or_out: Literal["in"] | Literal["out"] | Literal["both"] = "both",
distance_unit: Literal["pixel"] | Literal["georeferenced"] = "georeferenced",
) -> Raster:
Compute proximity distances to the raster target pixels, or to a vector geometry on the raster grid.
**Match-reference**: a raster can be passed to match its resolution, bounds and CRS for computing
proximity distances.
When passing a vector, by default, the boundary of the geometry will be used. The full geometry can be used by
passing "geometry", or any lower dimensional geometry attribute such as "centroid", "envelope" or "convex_hull".
See all geometry attributes in the Shapely documentation at https://shapely.readthedocs.io/.
:param vector: Vector for which to compute the proximity to geometry,
if not provided computed on this raster target pixels.
:param target_values: (Only with raster) List of target values to use for the proximity,
defaults to all non-zero values.
:param geometry_type: (Only with a vector) Type of geometry to use for the proximity, defaults to 'boundary'.
:param in_or_out: (Only with a vector) Compute proximity only 'in' or 'out'-side the geometry, or 'both'.
:param distance_unit: Distance unit, either 'georeferenced' or 'pixel'.
:return: Proximity distances raster.
proximity = _proximity_from_vector_or_raster(
out_nodata = _default_nodata(proximity.dtype)
return self.from_array(
def subsample(
subsample: int | float,
return_indices: Literal[False] = False,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
) -> NDArrayNum: ...
def subsample(
subsample: int | float,
return_indices: Literal[True],
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
) -> tuple[NDArrayNum, ...]: ...
def subsample(
subsample: float | int,
return_indices: bool = False,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
) -> NDArrayNum | tuple[NDArrayNum, ...]: ...
def subsample(
subsample: float | int,
return_indices: bool = False,
random_state: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
) -> NDArrayNum | tuple[NDArrayNum, ...]:
Randomly sample the raster. Only valid values are considered.
:param subsample: Subsample size. If <= 1, a fraction of the total pixels to extract.
If > 1, the number of pixels.
:param return_indices: Whether to return the extracted indices only.
:param random_state: Random state or seed number.
:return: Array of sampled valid values, or array of sampled indices.
return subsample_array(
array=self.data, subsample=subsample, return_indices=return_indices, random_state=random_state
class Mask(Raster):
The georeferenced mask.
Subclasses :class:`geoutils.Raster`.
Main attributes:
data: :class:`np.ndarray`
Boolean data array of the mask, with dimensions corresponding to (height, width).
transform: :class:`affine.Affine`
Geotransform of the raster.
crs: :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS`
Coordinate reference system of the raster.
All other attributes are derivatives of those attributes, or read from the file on disk.
See the API for more details.
def __init__(
filename_or_dataset: str | RasterType | rio.io.DatasetReader | rio.io.MemoryFile | dict[str, Any],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
self._data: MArrayNum | MArrayBool | None = None # type: ignore
# If a Mask is passed, simply point back to Mask
if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, Mask):
for key in filename_or_dataset.__dict__:
setattr(self, key, filename_or_dataset.__dict__[key])
# Else rely on parent Raster class options (including raised errors)
super().__init__(filename_or_dataset, **kwargs)
# If nbands larger than one, use only first band and raise a warning
if self.count > 1:
message="Multi-band raster provided to create a Mask, only the first band will be used.",
self._data = self.data[0, :, :]
# Force dtypes
self._dtypes = (bool,)
# Fix nodata to None
self._nodata = None
# Convert masked array to boolean
self._data = self.data.astype(bool) # type: ignore
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Convert mask to string representation."""
# If data not loaded, return and string and avoid calling .data
if not self.is_loaded:
str_data = "not_loaded"
str_data = "\n ".join(self.data.__str__().split("\n"))
# Over-ride Raster's method to remove nodata value (always None)
s = (
+ " data="
+ str_data
+ "\n transform="
+ "\n ".join(self.transform.__str__().split("\n"))
+ "\n crs="
+ self.crs.__str__()
+ ")"
return str(s)
def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
"""Convert mask to HTML representation for notebooks and doc"""
# If data not loaded, return and string and avoid calling .data
if not self.is_loaded:
str_data = "<i>not_loaded</i>"
str_data = "\n ".join(self.data.__str__().split("\n"))
# Over-ride Raster's method to remove nodata value (always None)
# Use <pre> to keep white spaces, <span> to keep line breaks
s = (
'<pre><span style="white-space: pre-wrap"><b><em>Mask</em></b>(\n'
+ " <b>data=</b>"
+ str_data
+ "\n <b>transform=</b>"
+ "\n ".join(self.transform.__str__().split("\n"))
+ "\n <b>crs=</b>"
+ self.crs.__str__()
+ ")</span></pre>"
return str(s)
def reproject(
self: Mask,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.nearest,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: Literal[False] = False,
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> Mask: ...
def reproject(
self: Mask,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.nearest,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: Literal[True],
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> None: ...
def reproject(
self: Mask,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.nearest,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: bool = False,
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> Mask | None: ...
def reproject(
self: Mask,
ref: RasterType | str | None = None,
crs: CRS | str | int | None = None,
res: float | abc.Iterable[float] | None = None,
grid_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
bounds: dict[str, float] | rio.coords.BoundingBox | None = None,
nodata: int | float | None = None,
dtype: DTypeLike | None = None,
resampling: Resampling | str = Resampling.nearest,
force_source_nodata: int | float | None = None,
inplace: bool = False,
silent: bool = False,
n_threads: int = 0,
memory_limit: int = 64,
) -> Mask | None:
# Depending on resampling, adjust to rasterio supported types
if resampling in [Resampling.nearest, "nearest"]:
self._data = self.data.astype("uint8") # type: ignore
"Reprojecting a mask with a resampling method other than 'nearest', "
"the boolean array will be converted to float during interpolation."
self._data = self.data.astype("float32") # type: ignore
# Call Raster.reproject()
output = super().reproject(
ref=ref, # type: ignore
# Transform output back to a boolean array
output._data = output.data.astype(bool) # type: ignore
# Transform self back to boolean array
self._data = self.data.astype(bool) # type: ignore
if inplace:
self._transform = output._transform # type: ignore
self._crs = output._crs # type: ignore
# Little trick to force the shape, same as in Raster.reproject()
self._data = output._data # type: ignore
self.data = output._data # type: ignore
return None
return output
# Note the star is needed because of the default argument 'mode' preceding non default arg 'inplace'
# Then the final overload must be duplicated
def crop(
self: Mask,
crop_geom: Mask | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: Literal[False] = False,
) -> Mask: ...
def crop(
self: Mask,
crop_geom: Mask | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: Literal[True],
) -> None: ...
def crop(
self: Mask,
crop_geom: Mask | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: bool = False,
) -> Mask | None: ...
def crop(
self: Mask,
crop_geom: Mask | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...],
mode: Literal["match_pixel"] | Literal["match_extent"] = "match_pixel",
inplace: bool = False,
) -> Mask | None:
# If there is resampling involved during cropping, encapsulate type as in reproject()
if mode == "match_extent":
raise ValueError(NotImplementedError)
# self._data = self.data.astype("float32")
# if inplace:
# super().crop(crop_geom=crop_geom, mode=mode, inplace=inplace)
# self._data = self.data.astype(bool)
# return None
# else:
# output = super().crop(crop_geom=crop_geom, mode=mode, inplace=inplace)
# output._data = output.data.astype(bool)
# return output
# Otherwise, run a classic crop
return super().crop(crop_geom=crop_geom, mode=mode, inplace=inplace)
def polygonize(
target_values: Number | tuple[Number, Number] | list[Number] | NDArrayNum | Literal["all"] = 1,
data_column_name: str = "id",
) -> Vector:
# If target values is passed but does not correspond to 0 or 1, raise a warning
if not isinstance(target_values, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)) or target_values not in [0, 1]:
warnings.warn("In-value converted to 1 for polygonizing boolean mask.")
target_values = 1
# Convert to unsigned integer and pass to parent method
self._data = self.data.astype("uint8") # type: ignore
# Get output from parent method
output = super().polygonize(target_values=target_values)
# Convert array back to boolean
self._data = self.data.astype(bool) # type: ignore
return output
def proximity(
vector: Vector | None = None,
target_values: list[float] | None = None,
geometry_type: str = "boundary",
in_or_out: Literal["in"] | Literal["out"] | Literal["both"] = "both",
distance_unit: Literal["pixel"] | Literal["georeferenced"] = "georeferenced",
) -> Raster:
# By default, target True values of the mask
if vector is None and target_values is None:
target_values = [1]
# TODO: Adapt target_value into int | list in Raster.proximity
# If target values is passed but does not correspond to 0 or 1, raise a warning
# if target_values is not None and not isinstance(target_values, (int, np.integer,
# float, np.floating)) or target_values not in [0, 1]:
# warnings.warn("In-value converted to 1 for polygonizing boolean mask.")
# target_values = [1]
# Need to cast output to Raster before computing proximity, as output will not be boolean
# (super() would instantiate Mask() again)
raster = Raster(
"data": self.data.astype("uint8"),
"transform": self.transform,
"crs": self.crs,
"nodata": self.nodata,
"area_or_point": self.area_or_point,
"tags": self.tags,
return raster.proximity(
def __and__(self: Mask, other: Mask | NDArrayBool) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise and between masks, or a mask and an array."""
self_data, other_data = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation" # type: ignore
return self.copy(self_data & other_data) # type: ignore
def __rand__(self: Mask, other: Mask | NDArrayBool) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise and between masks, or a mask and an array."""
return self.__and__(other)
def __or__(self: Mask, other: Mask | NDArrayBool) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise or between masks, or a mask and an array."""
self_data, other_data = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation" # type: ignore
return self.copy(self_data | other_data) # type: ignore
def __ror__(self: Mask, other: Mask | NDArrayBool) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise or between masks, or a mask and an array."""
return self.__or__(other)
def __xor__(self: Mask, other: Mask | NDArrayBool) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise xor between masks, or a mask and an array."""
self_data, other_data = _cast_numeric_array_raster(
self, other, operation_name="an arithmetic operation" # type: ignore
return self.copy(self_data ^ other_data) # type: ignore
def __rxor__(self: Mask, other: Mask | NDArrayBool) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise xor between masks, or a mask and an array."""
return self.__xor__(other)
def __invert__(self: Mask) -> Mask:
"""Bitwise inversion of a mask."""
return self.copy(~self.data)