⚠️ Our 0.1 release refactored several early-development functions for long-term stability, to update your code see here. ⚠️
Future changes will come with deprecation warnings! 🙂

Source code for geoutils.vector

geoutils.vectortools provides a toolset for working with vector data.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import pathlib
import warnings
from collections import abc
from numbers import Number
from os import PathLike
from typing import (

import fiona
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio as rio
import rasterio.errors
import shapely
from geopandas.testing import assert_geodataframe_equal
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from pandas._typing import WriteBuffer
from rasterio import features, warp
from rasterio.crs import CRS
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

import geoutils as gu
from geoutils._typing import NDArrayBool, NDArrayNum
from geoutils.misc import copy_doc
from geoutils.projtools import (

# This is a generic Vector-type (if subclasses are made, this will change appropriately)
VectorType = TypeVar("VectorType", bound="Vector")

[docs] class Vector: """ The georeferenced vector Main attributes: ds: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` Geodataframe of the vector. crs: :class:`pyproj.crs.CRS` Coordinate reference system of the vector. bounds: :class:`rio.coords.BoundingBox` Coordinate bounds of the vector. All other attributes are derivatives of those attributes, or read from the file on disk. See the API for more details. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename_or_dataset: str | pathlib.Path | gpd.GeoDataFrame | gpd.GeoSeries | BaseGeometry): """ Instantiate a vector from either a filename, a GeoPandas dataframe or series, or a Shapely geometry. :param filename_or_dataset: Path to file, or GeoPandas dataframe or series, or Shapely geometry. """ # If filename is passed if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, (str, pathlib.Path)): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # This warning shows up in numpy 1.21 (2021-07-09) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*attribute.*array_interface.*Polygon.*") ds = gpd.read_file(filename_or_dataset) self._ds = ds self._name: str | gpd.GeoDataFrame | None = filename_or_dataset # If GeoPandas or Shapely object is passed elif isinstance(filename_or_dataset, (gpd.GeoDataFrame, gpd.GeoSeries, BaseGeometry)): self._name = None if isinstance(filename_or_dataset, gpd.GeoDataFrame): self._ds = filename_or_dataset elif isinstance(filename_or_dataset, gpd.GeoSeries): self._ds = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=filename_or_dataset) else: self._ds = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": [filename_or_dataset]}, crs=None) # If Vector is passed, simply point back to Vector elif isinstance(filename_or_dataset, Vector): for key in filename_or_dataset.__dict__: setattr(self, key, filename_or_dataset.__dict__[key]) return else: raise TypeError("Filename argument should be a string, Path or geopandas.GeoDataFrame.")
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Convert vector to string representation.""" # Get the representation of ds str_ds = "\n ".join(self.__str__().split("\n")) s = str( self.__class__.__name__ + "(\n" + " ds=" + str_ds + "\n crs=" + self.crs.__str__() + "\n bounds=" + self.bounds.__str__() + ")" ) return s def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """Convert vector to HTML string representation for documentation.""" str_ds = "\n ".join(self.ds.__str__().split("\n")) # Over-ride Raster's method to remove nodata value (always None) # Use <pre> to keep white spaces, <span> to keep line breaks s = str( '<pre><span style="white-space: pre-wrap"><b><em>' + self.__class__.__name__ + "</em></b>(\n" + " <b>ds=</b>" + str_ds + "\n <b>crs=</b>" + self.crs.__str__() + "\n <b>bounds=</b>" + self.bounds.__repr__() + ")</span></pre>" ) return s def __str__(self) -> str: """Provide simplified vector string representation for print().""" return str(self.ds.__str__())
[docs] def info(self) -> str: """ Summarize information about the vector. :returns: Information about vector attributes. """ as_str = [ # 'Driver: {} \n'.format(self.driver), f"Filename: {self.name} \n", f"Coordinate System: EPSG:{self.ds.crs.to_epsg()}\n", f"Extent: {self.ds.total_bounds.tolist()} \n", f"Number of features: {len(self.ds)} \n", f"Attributes: {self.ds.columns.tolist()}", ] return "".join(as_str)
[docs] def plot( self, ref_crs: gu.Raster | rio.io.DatasetReader | VectorType | gpd.GeoDataFrame | str | CRS | int | None = None, cmap: matplotlib.colors.Colormap | str | None = None, vmin: float | int | None = None, vmax: float | int | None = None, alpha: float | int | None = None, cbar_title: str | None = None, add_cbar: bool = False, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | Literal["new"] | None = None, return_axes: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None | tuple[matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.colors.Colormap]: r""" Plot the vector. This method is a wrapper to geopandas.GeoDataFrame.plot. Any \*\*kwargs which you give this method will be passed to it. :param ref_crs: Coordinate reference system to match when plotting. :param cmap: Colormap to use. Default is plt.rcParams['image.cmap']. :param vmin: Colorbar minimum value. Default is data min. :param vmax: Colorbar maximum value. Default is data max. :param alpha: Transparency of raster and colorbar. :param cbar_title: Colorbar label. Default is None. :param add_cbar: Set to True to display a colorbar. Default is True. :param ax: A figure ax to be used for plotting. If None, will plot on current axes. If "new", will create a new axis. :param return_axes: Whether to return axes. :returns: None, or (ax, caxes) if return_axes is True """ # Ensure that the vector is in the same crs as a reference if isinstance(ref_crs, (gu.Raster, rio.io.DatasetReader, Vector, gpd.GeoDataFrame, str)): vect_reproj = self.reproject(ref=ref_crs) elif isinstance(ref_crs, (CRS, int)): vect_reproj = self.reproject(crs=ref_crs) else: vect_reproj = self # Create axes, or get current ones by default (like in matplotlib) if ax is None: ax0 = plt.gca() elif isinstance(ax, str) and ax.lower() == "new": _, ax0 = plt.subplots() elif isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): ax0 = ax else: raise ValueError("ax must be a matplotlib.axes.Axes instance, 'new' or None.") # Update with this function's arguments if add_cbar: legend = True else: legend = False if "legend" in list(kwargs.keys()): legend = kwargs.pop("legend") else: legend = False # Get colormap arguments that might have been passed in the keyword args if "legend_kwds" in list(kwargs.keys()) and legend: legend_kwds = kwargs.pop("legend_kwds") if "label" in list(legend_kwds): cbar_title = legend_kwds.pop("label") else: legend_kwds = None # Add colorbar if add_cbar or cbar_title: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax0) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cbar = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm ) # , orientation="horizontal", ticklocation="top") cbar.solids.set_alpha(alpha) if cbar_title is not None: cbar.set_label(cbar_title) else: cax = None cbar = None # Plot vect_reproj.ds.plot( ax=ax0, cax=cax, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=alpha, legend=legend, legend_kwds=legend_kwds, **kwargs, ) # If returning axes if return_axes: return ax, cax else: return None
def save( self, filename: str | pathlib.Path, driver: str | None = None, schema: dict[str, Any] | None = None, index: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Write the vector to file. This function is a simple wrapper of :func:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame.to_file`. See there for details. :param filename: Filename to write the file to. :param driver: Driver to write file with. :param schema: Dictionary passed to Fiona to better control how the file is written. :param index: Whether to write the index or not. :returns: None. """ self.ds.to_file(filename=filename, driver=driver, schema=schema, index=index, **kwargs) ############################################################################ # Overridden and wrapped methods from GeoPandas API to logically cast outputs ############################################################################ def _override_gdf_output( self, other: gpd.GeoDataFrame | gpd.GeoSeries | BaseGeometry | pd.Series | Any ) -> Vector | pd.Series: """Parse outputs of GeoPandas functions to facilitate object manipulation.""" # Raise error if output is not treated separately, should appear in tests if not isinstance(other, (gpd.GeoDataFrame, gpd.GeoDataFrame, pd.Series, BaseGeometry)): raise ValueError("Not implemented. This error should only be raised in tests.") # If a GeoDataFrame is the output, return it if isinstance(other, gpd.GeoDataFrame): return Vector(other) # If a GeoSeries is the output, re-encapsulate in a GeoDataFrame and return it elif isinstance(other, gpd.GeoSeries): return Vector(gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=other)) # If a Shapely Geometry is the output, re-encapsulate in a GeoDataFrame and return it elif isinstance(other, BaseGeometry): return Vector(gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": [other]}, crs=self.crs)) # If a Pandas Series is the output, append it to that of the GeoDataFrame else: return other # ----------------------------------------------- # GeoPandasBase - Attributes that return a Series # ----------------------------------------------- @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def area(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.area) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def length(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.length) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def interiors(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.interiors) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def geom_type(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.geom_type) # Exception ! bounds is renamed geom_bounds to make Raster and Vector "bounds" the same "total_bounds" @property def geom_bounds(self) -> pd.Series: """Returns or appends to ``Vector`` a ``Series`` with the bounds of each geometry feature.""" return self.ds.bounds @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def is_empty(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.is_empty) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def is_ring(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.is_ring) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def is_simple(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.is_simple) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def is_valid(self) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.is_valid) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # type: ignore @property def has_z(self) -> pd.Series: return self.ds.has_z # -------------------------------------------------- # GeoPandasBase - Attributes that return a GeoSeries # -------------------------------------------------- @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def boundary(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.boundary) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def unary_union(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.unary_union) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def centroid(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.centroid) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def convex_hull(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.convex_hull) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def envelope(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.envelope) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def exterior(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.exterior) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GeoPandasBase - Attributes that return a specific value (not Series or GeoSeries) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def has_sindex(self) -> bool: return self.ds.has_sindex @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # type: ignore @property def sindex(self) -> bool: return self.ds.sindex @property def total_bounds(self) -> rio.coords.BoundingBox: """Total bounds of the vector.""" return self.ds.total_bounds # Exception ! Vector.bounds corresponds to the total_bounds @property def bounds(self) -> rio.coords.BoundingBox: """ Total bounding box of the vector. Caution: this is equivalent to ``GeoDataFrame.total_bounds``, but not ``GeoDataFrame.bounds`` (per-feature bounds) which is instead defined as ``Vector.geom_bounds``. """ return rio.coords.BoundingBox(*self.ds.total_bounds) # -------------------------------------------- # GeoPandasBase - Methods that return a Series # --------------------------------------------
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def contains(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.contains(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def geom_equals(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.geom_equals(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def geom_almost_equals(self, other: gu.Vector, decimal: int = 6, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.geom_almost_equals(other=other.ds, decimal=decimal, align=align))
@copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def geom_equals_exact( self, other: gu.Vector, tolerance: float, align: bool = True, ) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.geom_equals_exact(other=other.ds, tolerance=tolerance, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def crosses(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.crosses(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def disjoint(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.disjoint(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def intersects(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.intersects(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def overlaps(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.overlaps(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def touches(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.touches(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def within(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.within(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def covers(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.covers(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def covered_by(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.covered_by(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) def distance(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> pd.Series: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.distance(other=other.ds, align=align))
# Method that exists in GeoPandasBase but not exposed in GeoSeries yet # @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # def relate(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool=True) -> Vector: # # return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.relate(other=other.ds, align=align)) # # Method that exists in GeoPandasBase but not exposed in GeoSeries yet # @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector", replace_return_series_statement=True) # def project(self, other: gu.Vector, normalized: bool = False, align: bool = True) -> Vector: # # return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.project(other=other.ds.geometry, normalized=normalized, align=align)) # ----------------------------------------------- # GeoPandasBase - Methods that return a GeoSeries # -----------------------------------------------
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def representative_point(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.representative_point())
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def normalize(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.normalize())
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def make_valid(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.make_valid())
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def difference(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.difference(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def symmetric_difference(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.symmetric_difference(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def union(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.union(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def intersection(self, other: gu.Vector, align: bool = True) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.intersection(other=other.ds, align=align))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def clip_by_rect(self, xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.clip_by_rect(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def buffer(self, distance: float, resolution: int = 16, **kwargs: Any) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.buffer(distance=distance, resolution=resolution, **kwargs))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def simplify(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.simplify(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def affine_transform(self, matrix: tuple[float, ...]) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.affine_transform(matrix=matrix))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def translate(self, xoff: float = 0.0, yoff: float = 0.0, zoff: float = 0.0) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.translate(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, zoff=zoff))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def rotate(self, angle: float, origin: str = "center", use_radians: bool = False) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.rotate(angle=angle, origin=origin, use_radians=use_radians))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def scale(self, xfact: float = 1.0, yfact: float = 1.0, zfact: float = 1.0, origin: str = "center") -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.scale(xfact=xfact, yfact=yfact, zfact=zfact, origin=origin))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") def skew(self, xs: float = 0.0, ys: float = 0.0, origin: str = "center", use_radians: bool = False) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.skew(xs=xs, ys=ys, origin=origin, use_radians=use_radians))
# Method that exists in GeoPandasBase but not exposed in GeoSeries yet # @copy_doc(gpd.GeoSeries, "Vector") # def interpolate(self, distance: float, normalized: bool=False) -> Vector: # # return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.interpolate(distance=distance, normalized=normalized)) # ---------------------------------------------- # GeoDataFrame - Methods that return a GeoSeries # ----------------------------------------------
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def dissolve( self, by: Any = None, aggfunc: Any = "first", as_index: bool = True, level: Any = None, sort: bool = True, observed: bool = False, dropna: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output( self.ds.dissolve( by=by, aggfunc=aggfunc, as_index=as_index, level=level, sort=sort, observed=observed, dropna=dropna, **kwargs, ) )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def explode( self, column: str | None = None, ignore_index: bool = False, index_parts: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output( self.ds.explode(column=column, ignore_index=ignore_index, index_parts=index_parts, **kwargs) )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def clip(self, mask: Any, keep_geom_type: bool = False) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.clip(mask=mask, keep_geom_type=keep_geom_type))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def sjoin(self, df: Vector | gpd.GeoDataFrame, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Vector: # Ensure input is a geodataframe if isinstance(df, gu.Vector): gdf = df.ds else: gdf = df return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.sjoin(df=gdf, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def sjoin_nearest( self, right: Vector | gpd.GeoDataFrame, how: str = "inner", max_distance: float | None = None, lsuffix: str = "left", rsuffix: str = "right", distance_col: str | None = None, ) -> Vector: # Ensure input is a geodataframe if isinstance(right, gu.Vector): gdf = right.ds else: gdf = right return self._override_gdf_output( self.ds.sjoin_nearest( right=gdf, how=how, max_distance=max_distance, lsuffix=lsuffix, rsuffix=rsuffix, distance_col=distance_col, ) )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def overlay( self, right: Vector | gpd.GeoDataFrame, how: str = "intersection", keep_geom_type: bool | None = None, make_valid: bool = True, ) -> Vector: # Ensure input is a geodataframe if isinstance(right, gu.Vector): gdf = right.ds else: gdf = right return self._override_gdf_output( self.ds.overlay(right=gdf, how=how, keep_geom_type=keep_geom_type, make_valid=make_valid) )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_crs(self, crs: CRS | None = None, epsg: int | None = None, inplace: bool = False) -> Vector | None: if inplace: self.ds = self.ds.to_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg) return None else: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.to_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def set_crs( self, crs: CRS | None = None, epsg: int | None = None, inplace: bool = False, allow_override: bool = False ) -> Vector | None: if inplace: self.ds = self.ds.set_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg, allow_override=allow_override) return None else: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.set_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg, allow_override=allow_override))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def set_geometry(self, col: str, drop: bool = False, inplace: bool = False, crs: CRS = None) -> Vector | None: if inplace: self.ds = self.ds.set_geometry(col=col, drop=drop, crs=crs) return None else: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.set_geometry(col=col, drop=drop, crs=crs))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def rename_geometry(self, col: str, inplace: bool = False) -> Vector | None: if inplace: self.ds = self.ds.set_geometry(col=col) return None else: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.rename_geometry(col=col))
# ----------------------------------- # GeoDataFrame: other functionalities # -----------------------------------
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: gu.Raster | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...] | Any) -> Vector: """ Index the geodataframe. """ return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.__getitem__(key))
@copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: self.ds.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def cx(self) -> Vector: return self._override_gdf_output(self.ds.cx)
@copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def estimate_utm_crs(self, datum_name: str = "WGS 84") -> CRS: return self.ds.estimate_utm_crs(datum_name=datum_name) @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def iterfeatures( self, na: str | None = "null", show_bbox: bool = False, drop_id: bool = False ) -> Generator[dict[str, str | dict[str, Any] | None | dict[str, Any]], Any, Any]: return self.ds.iterfeatures(na=na, show_bbox=show_bbox, drop_id=drop_id)
[docs] @classmethod @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def from_file(cls, filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Vector: return cls(gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(filename=filename, **kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def from_features(cls, features: Iterable[dict[str, Any]], crs: CRS, columns: list[str]) -> Vector: return cls(gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(features=features, crs=crs, columns=columns))
[docs] @classmethod @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def from_postgis( cls, sql: str, con: Any, geom_col: str = "geom", crs: CRS | None = None, index_col: str | None = None, coerce_float: bool = True, parse_dates: Any = None, params: Any = None, chunksize: Any = None, ) -> Vector: return cls( gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_postgis( sql=sql, con=con, geom_col=geom_col, crs=crs, index_col=index_col, coerce_float=coerce_float, parse_dates=parse_dates, params=params, chunksize=chunksize, ) )
[docs] @classmethod @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any], geometry: Any = None, crs: CRS | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Vector: return cls(gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_dict(data=data, geometry=geometry, crs=crs, **kwargs))
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_file(self, filename: str, driver: Any = None, schema: Any = None, index: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: return self.ds.to_file(filename=filename, driver=driver, schema=schema, index=index, **kwargs)
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_feather( self, path: Any, index: Any = None, compression: Any = None, schema_version: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: return self.ds.to_feather( path=path, index=index, compression=compression, schema_version=schema_version, **kwargs )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_parquet( self, path: Any, index: Any = None, compression: Any = "snappy", schema_version: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: return self.ds.to_parquet( path=path, index=index, compression=compression, schema_version=schema_version, **kwargs )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_wkt(self, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.ds.to_wkt(**kwargs)
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_wkb(self, hex: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.ds.to_wkb(hex=hex, **kwargs)
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_json(self, na: Any = "null", show_bbox: bool = False, drop_id: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> str | None: return self.ds.to_json(na=na, show_bbox=show_bbox, drop_id=drop_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_postgis( self, name: str, con: Any, schema: Any = None, if_exists: Any = "fail", index: Any = False, index_label: Any = None, chunksize: Any = None, dtype: Any = None, ) -> None: return self.ds.to_postgis( name=name, con=con, schema=schema, if_exists=if_exists, index=index, index_label=index_label, chunksize=chunksize, dtype=dtype, )
[docs] @copy_doc(gpd.GeoDataFrame, "Vector") def to_csv( self, path_or_buf: str | PathLike[str] | WriteBuffer[bytes] | WriteBuffer[str] | None = None, sep: str = ",", na_rep: str = "", float_format: Any = None, columns: Sequence[Hashable] | None = None, header: bool | list[str] = True, index: bool = True, index_label: Hashable | Sequence[Hashable] | None = None, mode: str = "w", encoding: str | None = None, compression: Literal["infer", "gzip", "bz2", "zip", "xz", "zstd", "tar"] | dict[str, Any] | None = "infer", quoting: int | None = None, quotechar: str = '"', lineterminator: str | None = None, chunksize: int | None = None, date_format: str | None = None, doublequote: bool = True, escapechar: str | None = None, decimal: str = ".", errors: str = "strict", storage_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> str | None: return self.ds.to_csv( path_or_buf=path_or_buf, sep=sep, na_rep=na_rep, float_format=float_format, columns=columns, header=header, index=index, index_label=index_label, mode=mode, encoding=encoding, compression=compression, quoting=quoting, quotechar=quotechar, lineterminator=lineterminator, chunksize=chunksize, date_format=date_format, doublequote=doublequote, escapechar=escapechar, decimal=decimal, errors=errors, storage_options=storage_options, )
# -------------------------------- # End of GeoPandas functionalities # -------------------------------- @property def crs(self) -> rio.crs.CRS: """Coordinate reference system of the vector.""" return self.ds.crs @property def ds(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Geodataframe of the vector.""" return self._ds @ds.setter def ds(self, new_ds: gpd.GeoDataFrame | gpd.GeoSeries) -> None: """Set a new geodataframe.""" if isinstance(new_ds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): self._ds = new_ds elif isinstance(new_ds, gpd.GeoSeries): self._ds = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=new_ds) else: raise ValueError("The dataset of a vector must be set with a GeoSeries or a GeoDataFrame.") def vector_equal(self, other: gu.Vector, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """ Check if two vectors are equal. Keyword arguments are passed to geopandas.assert_geodataframe_equal. """ try: assert_geodataframe_equal(self.ds, other.ds, **kwargs) vector_eq = True except AssertionError: vector_eq = False return vector_eq @property def name(self) -> str | None: """Name on disk, if it exists.""" return self._name @property def geometry(self) -> gpd.GeoSeries: return self.ds.geometry @property def index(self) -> pd.Index: return self.ds.index def copy(self: VectorType) -> VectorType: """Return a copy of the vector.""" # Utilise the copy method of GeoPandas new_vector = self.__new__(type(self)) new_vector.__init__(self.ds.copy()) # type: ignore return new_vector # type: ignore @overload def crop( self: VectorType, crop_geom: gu.Raster | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...], clip: bool, *, inplace: Literal[False] = False, ) -> VectorType: ... @overload def crop( self: VectorType, crop_geom: gu.Raster | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...], clip: bool, *, inplace: Literal[True], ) -> None: ... @overload def crop( self: VectorType, crop_geom: gu.Raster | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...], clip: bool, *, inplace: bool = False, ) -> VectorType | None: ...
[docs] def crop( self: VectorType, crop_geom: gu.Raster | Vector | list[float] | tuple[float, ...], clip: bool = False, *, inplace: bool = False, ) -> VectorType | None: """ Crop the vector to given extent. **Match-reference:** a reference raster or vector can be passed to match bounds during cropping. Optionally, clip geometries to that extent (by default keeps all intersecting). Reprojection is done on the fly if georeferenced objects have different projections. :param crop_geom: Geometry to crop vector to, as either a Raster object, a Vector object, or a list of coordinates. If ``crop_geom`` is a raster or a vector, will crop to the bounds. If ``crop_geom`` is a list of coordinates, the order is assumed to be [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. :param clip: Whether to clip the geometry to the given extent (by default keeps all intersecting). :param inplace: Whether to update the vector in-place. :returns: Cropped vector (or None if inplace). """ if isinstance(crop_geom, (gu.Raster, Vector)): # For another Vector or Raster, we reproject the bounding box in the same CRS as self xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = crop_geom.get_bounds_projected(out_crs=self.crs) elif isinstance(crop_geom, (list, tuple)): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = crop_geom else: raise TypeError("Crop geometry must be a Raster, Vector, or list of coordinates.") # Need to separate the two options, inplace update if inplace: self._ds = self.ds.cx[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] if clip: self._ds = self.ds.clip(mask=(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) return None # Or create a copy otherwise else: new_vector = self.copy() new_vector._ds = new_vector.ds.cx[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] if clip: new_vector._ds = new_vector.ds.clip(mask=(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) return new_vector
@overload def reproject( self: Vector, ref: gu.Raster | rio.io.DatasetReader | VectorType | gpd.GeoDataFrame | str | None = None, crs: CRS | str | int | None = None, *, inplace: Literal[False] = False, ) -> Vector: ... @overload def reproject( self: Vector, ref: gu.Raster | rio.io.DatasetReader | VectorType | gpd.GeoDataFrame | str | None = None, crs: CRS | str | int | None = None, *, inplace: Literal[True], ) -> None: ... @overload def reproject( self: Vector, ref: gu.Raster | rio.io.DatasetReader | VectorType | gpd.GeoDataFrame | str | None = None, crs: CRS | str | int | None = None, *, inplace: bool = False, ) -> Vector | None: ...
[docs] def reproject( self: Vector, ref: gu.Raster | rio.io.DatasetReader | VectorType | gpd.GeoDataFrame | str | None = None, crs: CRS | str | int | None = None, inplace: bool = False, ) -> Vector | None: """ Reproject vector to a specified coordinate reference system. **Match-reference:** a reference raster or vector can be passed to match CRS during reprojection. Alternatively, a CRS can be passed in many formats (string, EPSG integer, or CRS). To reproject a Vector with different source bounds, first run Vector.crop(). :param ref: A reference raster or vector whose CRS to use as a reference for reprojection. Can be provided as a raster, vector, Rasterio dataset, GeoPandas dataframe, or path to the file. :param crs: Specify the Coordinate Reference System or EPSG to reproject to. If dst_ref not set, defaults to self.crs. :param inplace: Whether to update the vector in-place. :returns: Reprojected vector (or None if inplace). """ # Check that either ref or crs is provided if (ref is not None and crs is not None) or (ref is None and crs is None): raise ValueError("Either of `ref` or `crs` must be set. Not both.") # Case a raster or vector is provided as reference if ref is not None: # Check that ref type is either str, Raster or rasterio data set # Preferably use Raster instance to avoid rasterio data set to remain open. See PR #45 if isinstance(ref, (gu.Raster, gu.Vector)): ds_ref = ref elif isinstance(ref, (rio.io.DatasetReader, gpd.GeoDataFrame)): ds_ref = ref elif isinstance(ref, str): if not os.path.exists(ref): raise ValueError("Reference raster or vector path does not exist.") try: ds_ref = gu.Raster(ref, load_data=False) except rasterio.errors.RasterioIOError: try: ds_ref = Vector(ref) except fiona.errors.DriverError: raise ValueError("Could not open raster or vector with rasterio or fiona.") else: raise TypeError("Type of ref must be string path to file, Raster or Vector.") # Read reprojecting params from ref raster crs = ds_ref.crs else: # Determine user-input target CRS crs = CRS.from_user_input(crs) new_ds = self.ds.to_crs(crs=crs) if inplace: self.ds = new_ds return None else: return Vector(new_ds)
@overload def create_mask( self, raster: str | gu.Raster | None = None, crs: CRS | None = None, xres: float | None = None, yres: float | None = None, bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None, buffer: int | float | np.integer[Any] | np.floating[Any] = 0, *, as_array: Literal[False] = False, ) -> gu.Mask: ... @overload def create_mask( self, raster: str | gu.Raster | None = None, crs: CRS | None = None, xres: float | None = None, yres: float | None = None, bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None, buffer: int | float | np.integer[Any] | np.floating[Any] = 0, *, as_array: Literal[True], ) -> NDArrayNum: ...
[docs] def create_mask( self, raster: gu.Raster | None = None, crs: CRS | None = None, xres: float | None = None, yres: float | None = None, bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None, buffer: int | float | np.integer[Any] | np.floating[Any] = 0, as_array: bool = False, ) -> gu.Mask | NDArrayBool: """ Create a mask from the vector features. **Match-reference:** a raster can be passed to match its resolution, bounds and CRS when creating the mask. Alternatively, user can specify a grid to rasterize on using xres, yres, bounds and crs. Only xres is mandatory, by default yres=xres and bounds/crs are set to self's. Vector features which fall outside the bounds of the raster file are not written to the new mask file. :param raster: Reference raster to match during rasterization. :param crs: A pyproj or rasterio CRS object (Default to raster.crs if not None then self.crs) :param xres: Output raster spatial resolution in x. Only is raster is None. :param yres: Output raster spatial resolution in y. Only if raster is None. (Default to xres) :param bounds: Output raster bounds (left, bottom, right, top). Only if raster is None (Default to self bounds) :param buffer: Size of buffer to be added around the features, in the raster's projection units. If a negative value is set, will erode the features. :param as_array: Return mask as a boolean array :returns: A Mask object contain a boolean array """ # If no raster given, use provided dimensions if raster is None: # At minimum, xres must be set if xres is None: raise ValueError("At least raster or xres must be set.") if yres is None: yres = xres # By default, use self's CRS and bounds if crs is None: crs = self.ds.crs if bounds is None: bounds_shp = True bounds = self.ds.total_bounds else: bounds_shp = False # Calculate raster shape left, bottom, right, top = bounds height = abs((right - left) / xres) width = abs((top - bottom) / yres) if width % 1 != 0 or height % 1 != 0: # Only warn if the bounds were provided, and not derived from the vector if not bounds_shp: warnings.warn("Bounds not a multiple of xres/yres, use rounded bounds.") width = int(np.round(width)) height = int(np.round(height)) out_shape = (height, width) # Calculate raster transform transform = rio.transform.from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top, width, height) # otherwise use directly raster's dimensions elif isinstance(raster, gu.Raster): out_shape = raster.shape transform = raster.transform crs = raster.crs bounds = raster.bounds else: raise TypeError("Raster must be a geoutils.Raster or None.") # Copying GeoPandas dataframe before applying changes gdf = self.ds.copy() # Crop vector geometries to avoid issues when reprojecting left, bottom, right, top = bounds # type: ignore x1, y1, x2, y2 = warp.transform_bounds(crs, gdf.crs, left, bottom, right, top) gdf = gdf.cx[x1:x2, y1:y2] # Reproject vector into raster CRS gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs) # Create a buffer around the features if not isinstance(buffer, (int, float, np.number)): raise TypeError(f"Buffer must be a number, currently set to {type(buffer).__name__}.") if buffer != 0: gdf.geometry = [geom.buffer(buffer) for geom in gdf.geometry] elif buffer == 0: pass # Rasterize geometry mask = features.rasterize( shapes=gdf.geometry, fill=0, out_shape=out_shape, transform=transform, default_value=1, dtype="uint8" ).astype("bool") # Force output mask to be of same dimension as input raster if raster is not None: mask = mask.reshape((raster.count, raster.height, raster.width)) # type: ignore # Return output as mask or as array if as_array: return mask.squeeze() else: return gu.Raster.from_array(data=mask, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=None)
[docs] def rasterize( self, raster: gu.Raster | None = None, crs: CRS | int | None = None, xres: float | None = None, yres: float | None = None, bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None, in_value: int | float | abc.Iterable[int | float] | None = None, out_value: int | float = 0, ) -> gu.Raster | gu.Mask: """ Rasterize vector to a raster or mask, with input geometries burned in. **Match-reference:** a raster can be passed to match its resolution, bounds and CRS when rasterizing the vector. Alternatively, user can specify a grid to rasterize on using xres, yres, bounds and crs. Only xres is mandatory, by default yres=xres and bounds/crs are set to self's. Burn value is set by user and can be either a single number, or an iterable of same length as self.ds. Default is an index from 1 to len(self.ds). :param raster: Reference raster to match during rasterization. :param crs: Coordinate reference system as string or EPSG code (Default to raster.crs if not None then self.crs). :param xres: Output raster spatial resolution in x. Only if raster is None. Must be in units of crs, if set. :param yres: Output raster spatial resolution in y. Only if raster is None. Must be in units of crs, if set. (Default to xres). :param bounds: Output raster bounds (left, bottom, right, top). Only if raster is None. Must be in same system as crs, if set. (Default to self bounds). :param in_value: Value(s) to be burned inside the polygons (Default is self.ds.index + 1). :param out_value: Value to be burned outside the polygons (Default is 0). :returns: Raster or mask containing the burned geometries. """ if (raster is not None) and (crs is not None): raise ValueError("Only one of raster or crs can be provided.") # Reproject vector into requested CRS or rst CRS first, if needed # This has to be done first so that width/height calculated below are correct! if crs is None: crs = self.ds.crs if raster is not None: crs = raster.crs # type: ignore vect = self.ds.to_crs(crs) # If no raster given, now use provided dimensions if raster is None: # At minimum, xres must be set if xres is None: raise ValueError("At least raster or xres must be set.") if yres is None: yres = xres # By default, use self's bounds if bounds is None: bounds = vect.total_bounds # Calculate raster shape left, bottom, right, top = bounds width = abs((right - left) / xres) height = abs((top - bottom) / yres) if width % 1 != 0 or height % 1 != 0: warnings.warn("Bounds not a multiple of xres/yres, use rounded bounds.") width = int(np.round(width)) height = int(np.round(height)) out_shape = (height, width) # Calculate raster transform transform = rio.transform.from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top, width, height) # otherwise use directly raster's dimensions else: out_shape = raster.shape # type: ignore transform = raster.transform # type: ignore # Set default burn value, index from 1 to len(self.ds) if in_value is None: in_value = self.ds.index + 1 # Rasterize geometry if isinstance(in_value, abc.Iterable): if len(in_value) != len(vect.geometry): # type: ignore raise ValueError( "in_value must have same length as self.ds.geometry, currently {} != {}".format( len(in_value), len(vect.geometry) # type: ignore ) ) out_geom = ((geom, value) for geom, value in zip(vect.geometry, in_value)) mask = features.rasterize(shapes=out_geom, fill=out_value, out_shape=out_shape, transform=transform) elif isinstance(in_value, Number): mask = features.rasterize( shapes=vect.geometry, fill=out_value, out_shape=out_shape, transform=transform, default_value=in_value ) else: raise ValueError("in_value must be a single number or an iterable with same length as self.ds.geometry") # We return a mask if there is a single value to burn and this value is 1 if isinstance(in_value, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)) and in_value == 1: output = gu.Mask.from_array(data=mask, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=None) # Otherwise we return a Raster if there are several values to burn else: output = gu.Raster.from_array(data=mask, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=None) return output
[docs] @classmethod def from_bounds_projected( cls, raster_or_vector: gu.Raster | VectorType, out_crs: CRS | None = None, densify_points: int = 5000 ) -> VectorType: """Create a vector polygon from projected bounds of a raster or vector. :param raster_or_vector: A raster or vector :param out_crs: In which CRS to compute the bounds :param densify_points: Maximum points to be added between image corners to account for nonlinear edges. Reduce if time computation is really critical (ms) or increase if extent is not accurate enough. """ if out_crs is None: out_crs = raster_or_vector.crs df = _get_footprint_projected( raster_or_vector.bounds, in_crs=raster_or_vector.crs, out_crs=out_crs, densify_points=densify_points ) return cls(df) # type: ignore
def query(self: Vector, expression: str, inplace: bool = False) -> Vector | None: """ Query the vector with a valid Pandas expression. :param expression: A python-like expression to evaluate. Example: "col1 > col2". :param inplace: Whether the query should modify the data in place or return a modified copy. :returns: Vector resulting from the provided query expression or itself if inplace=True. """ # Modify inplace if wanted and return the self instance. if inplace: self._ds = self.ds.query(expression, inplace=True) return None # Otherwise, create a new Vector from the queried dataset. new_vector = Vector(self.ds.query(expression)) return new_vector
[docs] def proximity( self, raster: gu.Raster | None = None, size: tuple[int, int] = (1000, 1000), geometry_type: str = "boundary", in_or_out: Literal["in"] | Literal["out"] | Literal["both"] = "both", distance_unit: Literal["pixel"] | Literal["georeferenced"] = "georeferenced", ) -> gu.Raster: """ Compute proximity distances to this vector's geometry. **Match-reference**: a raster can be passed to match its resolution, bounds and CRS for computing proximity distances. Alternatively, a grid size can be passed to create a georeferenced grid with the bounds and CRS of this vector. By default, the boundary of the Vector's geometry will be used. The full geometry can be used by passing "geometry", or any lower dimensional geometry attribute such as "centroid", "envelope" or "convex_hull". See all geometry attributes in the Shapely documentation at https://shapely.readthedocs.io/. :param raster: Raster to burn the proximity grid on. :param size: If no Raster is provided, grid size to use with this Vector's extent and CRS (defaults to 1000 x 1000). :param geometry_type: Type of geometry to use for the proximity, defaults to 'boundary'. :param in_or_out: Compute proximity only 'in' or 'out'-side the polygon, or 'both'. :param distance_unit: Distance unit, either 'georeferenced' or 'pixel'. :return: Proximity raster. """ # 0/ If no Raster is passed, create one on the Vector bounds of size 1000 x 1000 if raster is None: # TODO: this bit of code is common in several vector functions (rasterize, etc): move out as common code? # By default, use self's bounds if self.bounds is None: raise ValueError("To automatically rasterize on the vector, bounds need to be defined.") # Calculate raster shape left, bottom, right, top = self.bounds # Calculate raster transform transform = rio.transform.from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top, size[0], size[1]) raster = gu.Raster.from_array(data=np.zeros((1000, 1000)), transform=transform, crs=self.crs) proximity = gu.raster.raster.proximity_from_vector_or_raster( raster=raster, vector=self, geometry_type=geometry_type, in_or_out=in_or_out, distance_unit=distance_unit ) return raster.copy(new_array=proximity)
[docs] def buffer_metric(self, buffer_size: float) -> Vector: """ Buffer the vector features in a local metric system (UTM or UPS). The outlines are projected to the local UTM or UPS, then reverted to the original projection after buffering. :param buffer_size: Buffering distance in meters. :return: Buffered shapefile. """ crs_utm_ups = _get_utm_ups_crs(df=self.ds) # Reproject the shapefile in the local UTM ds_utm = self.ds.to_crs(crs=crs_utm_ups) # Buffer the shapefile ds_buffered = ds_utm.buffer(distance=buffer_size) del ds_utm # Revert-project the shapefile in the original CRS ds_buffered_origproj = ds_buffered.to_crs(crs=self.ds.crs) del ds_buffered # Return a Vector object of the buffered GeoDataFrame # TODO: Clarify what is conserved in the GeoSeries and what to pass the GeoDataFrame to not lose any attributes vector_buffered = Vector(gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=ds_buffered_origproj.geometry, crs=self.ds.crs)) return vector_buffered
[docs] def get_bounds_projected(self, out_crs: CRS, densify_points: int = 5000) -> rio.coords.BoundingBox: """ Get vector bounds projected in a specified CRS. :param out_crs: Output CRS. :param densify_points: Maximum points to be added between image corners to account for nonlinear edges. Reduce if time computation is really critical (ms) or increase if extent is not accurate enough. """ # Calculate new bounds new_bounds = _get_bounds_projected(self.bounds, in_crs=self.crs, out_crs=out_crs, densify_points=densify_points) return new_bounds
[docs] def get_footprint_projected(self, out_crs: CRS, densify_points: int = 5000) -> Vector: """ Get vector footprint projected in a specified CRS. The polygon points of the vector are densified during reprojection to warp the rectangular square footprint of the original projection into the new one. :param out_crs: Output CRS. :param densify_points: Maximum points to be added between image corners to account for non linear edges. Reduce if time computation is really critical (ms) or increase if extent is not accurate enough. """ return Vector( _get_footprint_projected( bounds=self.bounds, in_crs=self.crs, out_crs=out_crs, densify_points=densify_points ) )
[docs] def get_metric_crs( self, local_crs_type: Literal["universal"] | Literal["custom"] = "universal", method: Literal["centroid"] | Literal["geopandas"] = "centroid", ) -> CRS: """ Get local metric coordinate reference system for the vector (UTM, UPS, or custom Mercator or Polar). :param local_crs_type: Whether to get a "universal" local CRS (UTM or UPS) or a "custom" local CRS (Mercator or Polar centered on centroid). :param method: Method to choose the zone of the CRS, either based on the centroid of the footprint or the extent as implemented in :func:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame.estimate_utm_crs`. Forced to centroid if `local_crs="custom"`. """ # For universal CRS (UTM or UPS) if local_crs_type == "universal": return _get_utm_ups_crs(self.ds, method=method) # For a custom CRS else: raise NotImplementedError("This is not implemented yet.")
[docs] def buffer_without_overlap(self, buffer_size: int | float, metric: bool = True, plot: bool = False) -> Vector: """ Buffer the vector geometries without overlapping each other. The algorithm is based upon this tutorial: https://statnmap.com/2020-07-31-buffer-area-for-nearest-neighbour/. The buffered polygons are created using Voronoi polygons in order to delineate the "area of influence" of each geometry. The buffer is slightly inaccurate where two geometries touch, due to the nature of the Voronoi polygons, hence one geometry "steps" slightly on the neighbor buffer in some cases. The algorithm may also yield unexpected results on very simple geometries. Note: A similar functionality is provided by momepy (http://docs.momepy.org) and is probably more robust. It could be implemented in GeoPandas in the future: https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues/2015. :param buffer_size: Buffer size in self's coordinate system units. :param metric: Whether to perform the buffering in a local metric system (defaults to ``True``). :param plot: Whether to show intermediate plots. :returns: A Vector containing the buffered geometries. :examples: On glacier outlines. >>> outlines = gu.Vector(gu.examples.get_path('everest_rgi_outlines')) >>> outlines = gu.Vector(outlines.ds.to_crs('EPSG:32645')) >>> buffer = outlines.buffer_without_overlap(500) >>> ax = buffer.ds.plot() # doctest: +SKIP >>> outlines.ds.plot(ax=ax, ec='k', fc='none') # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot() # doctest: +SKIP """ # Project in local UTM if metric is True if metric: crs_utm_ups = _get_utm_ups_crs(df=self.ds) gdf = self.ds.to_crs(crs=crs_utm_ups) else: gdf = self.ds # Dissolve all geometries into one merged = gdf.dissolve() # Add buffer around geometries merged_buffer = merged.buffer(buffer_size) # Extract only the buffered area buffer = merged_buffer.difference(merged) # Crop Voronoi polygons to bound geometry and add missing polygons bound_poly = bounds2poly(gdf) bound_poly = bound_poly.buffer(buffer_size) voronoi_all = generate_voronoi_with_bounds(gdf, bound_poly) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4)) ax1 = plt.subplot(141) voronoi_all.plot(ax=ax1) gdf.plot(fc="none", ec="k", ax=ax1) ax1.set_title("Voronoi polygons, cropped") # Extract Voronoi polygons only within the buffer area voronoi_diff = voronoi_all.intersection(buffer.geometry[0]) # Split all polygons, and join attributes of original geometries into the Voronoi polygons # Splitting, i.e. explode, is needed when Voronoi generate MultiPolygons that may extend over several features. voronoi_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=voronoi_diff.explode(index_parts=True)) # requires geopandas>=0.10 joined_voronoi = gpd.tools.sjoin(gdf, voronoi_gdf, how="right") # Plot results -> some polygons are duplicated if plot: ax2 = plt.subplot(142, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) joined_voronoi.plot(ax=ax2, column="index_left", alpha=0.5, ec="k") gdf.plot(ax=ax2, column=gdf.index.values) ax2.set_title("Buffer with duplicated polygons") # Find non unique Voronoi polygons, and retain only first one _, indexes = np.unique(joined_voronoi.index, return_index=True) unique_voronoi = joined_voronoi.iloc[indexes] # Plot results -> unique polygons only if plot: ax3 = plt.subplot(143, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) unique_voronoi.plot(ax=ax3, column="index_left", alpha=0.5, ec="k") gdf.plot(ax=ax3, column=gdf.index.values) ax3.set_title("Buffer with unique polygons") # Dissolve all polygons by original index merged_voronoi = unique_voronoi.dissolve(by="index_left") # Plot if plot: ax4 = plt.subplot(144, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) gdf.plot(ax=ax4, column=gdf.index.values) merged_voronoi.plot(column=merged_voronoi.index.values, ax=ax4, alpha=0.5) ax4.set_title("Final buffer") plt.show() # Reverse-project to the original CRS if metric is True if metric: merged_voronoi = merged_voronoi.to_crs(crs=self.crs) return Vector(merged_voronoi)
# ----------------------------------------- # Additional stand-alone utility functions # ----------------------------------------- def extract_vertices(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> list[list[tuple[float, float]]]: r""" Function to extract the exterior vertices of all shapes within a gpd.GeoDataFrame. :param gdf: The GeoDataFrame from which the vertices need to be extracted. :returns: A list containing a list of (x, y) positions of the vertices. The length of the primary list is equal to the number of geometries inside gdf, and length of each sublist is the number of vertices in the geometry. """ vertices = [] # Loop on all geometries within gdf for geom in gdf.geometry: # Extract geometry exterior(s) if geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": exteriors = [p.exterior for p in geom.geoms] elif geom.geom_type == "Polygon": exteriors = [geom.exterior] elif geom.geom_type == "LineString": exteriors = [geom] elif geom.geom_type == "MultiLineString": exteriors = list(geom.geoms) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Geometry type {geom.geom_type} not implemented.") vertices.extend([list(ext.coords) for ext in exteriors]) return vertices def generate_voronoi_polygons(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Generate Voronoi polygons (tessellation) from the vertices of all geometries in a GeoDataFrame. Uses scipy.spatial.voronoi. :param: The GeoDataFrame from whose vertices are used for the Voronoi polygons. :returns: A GeoDataFrame containing the Voronoi polygons. """ # Extract the coordinates of the vertices of all geometries in gdf vertices = extract_vertices(gdf) coords = np.concatenate(vertices) # Create the Voronoi diagram and extract ridges vor = Voronoi(coords) lines = [shapely.geometry.LineString(vor.vertices[line]) for line in vor.ridge_vertices if -1 not in line] polys = list(shapely.ops.polygonize(lines)) if len(polys) == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid geometry, cannot generate finite Voronoi polygons") # Convert into GeoDataFrame voronoi = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.GeoSeries(polys)) voronoi.crs = gdf.crs return voronoi def generate_voronoi_with_bounds(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, bound_poly: Polygon) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Generate Voronoi polygons that are bounded by the polygon bound_poly, to avoid Voronoi polygons that extend \ far beyond the original geometry. Voronoi polygons are created using generate_voronoi_polygons, cropped to the extent of bound_poly and gaps \ are filled with new polygons. :param: The GeoDataFrame from whose vertices are used for the Voronoi polygons. :param: A shapely Polygon to be used for bounding the Voronoi diagrams. :returns: A GeoDataFrame containing the Voronoi polygons. """ # Create Voronoi polygons voronoi = generate_voronoi_polygons(gdf) # Crop Voronoi polygons to input bound_poly extent voronoi_crop = voronoi.intersection(bound_poly) voronoi_crop = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=voronoi_crop) # convert to DataFrame # Dissolve all Voronoi polygons and subtract from bounds to get gaps voronoi_merged = voronoi_crop.dissolve() bound_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.GeoSeries(bound_poly)) bound_gdf.crs = gdf.crs gaps = bound_gdf.difference(voronoi_merged) # Merge cropped Voronoi with gaps, if not empty, otherwise return cropped Voronoi with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'area' are likely incorrect.") tot_area = np.sum(gaps.area.values) if not tot_area == 0: voronoi_all = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=list(voronoi_crop.geometry) + list(gaps.geometry)) voronoi_all.crs = gdf.crs return voronoi_all else: return voronoi_crop